2024 JULY
The planetary month of July commences June 21 2024. 

Look to your diary.

  • Commences June 21 2024.
  • Reflects in your association of June 8 and April 13 2024.  The outcome of May 24. 
  • July 6 Engagement sees hail disruption October, investment flourish December 2024.  
  • Restore relationship from January 23 2024.
  • Commit to operations, move project of March 10 and June 1 2024.  Use the gains of 2023 April.   
  • Set schedules for working of May 23 2024.
  • Finance remedy to March 4 2024.
  • Expect a surge with investment of May 8 2024.  Persist for gains February 2025.    

    Globally clarity with decline from October 2023.
    Potential eruption, outcome of Putin’s nuclear tests of May 7 2024.

July Key Days:

Look to your diary. 


21   Sun enters Cancer.  The start of the month of July.  Work investment of May 23 2024. 

22   Full Moon.  Clarity with agreement of May 23 2024. 

23   Restore relationship of January 23 2024.  Meeting for December 2024. 

25   Act with investment, from disruption of February 15 linked to association of May 2 2024. 

28   Moon Third Quarter.  Move from delay of April 8, project of June 1.  Remedy to your March 4 2024

29   Move, operations, with direction of March 10 2024.  Fruit from June 2 2024.  Gains for December 2024.


1   Breakthrough with investment of May 8 2024.   Harvest February 2025. 

2   Disruption.  Movement, action.  Cater to others. 

3   Seek union.  Action for August 2024.  Gains from June 6 2024.

6   New Moon.  Clarity.  Engage, the direction of July 2024, for investment December 2024. 

8   Focus on accounts, finance, for August 2024. 

10  Association for September 2024.  Arrange premises. 

13  New direction, for engagement October 2024. 

16  Action, movement from May 8, linked to April 24 2024.  Focus on resources for group meeting of August.

17  Engage.  Things are true.  The working of July 5 2024. 

21  Full Moon.  Clarity with association of June 23 2024.  Agreement for December 2024. 

22  Sun enters Leo.  The start of August 2024.  Outcome of agreement of April 24 2024.    

Note there is a day overlap. 

July wisdom:  Engage for operations October 2024.  Advance with project of May 31 2024.  Finance from March 4 2024.    

2024 JULY

The month of July 2024 for those of us born in

You may read the Sun sign of your birth month but for better accuracy read the sign of your Midheaven from your birth time. 

New direction for September 2024.  Arrange premises. 
Work focus, schedules for October 2024.  Change in operations.
Advance with new commitment, direction from delay of April 8  and engagement of June 2 2024. 
Foreign from March 10 2024. 
Action with revenue, movement of investment from May 8 2024. 
Movement, trip.  Advance. 

Business closure.  Withdraw.  Look to creative project.  The focus of July-October 2024. 
Project for September direction, Investment catering accommodation for Decemnber
Advance with foreign association, from delay of April 8, and from June 2 2024. 
Finance, shared, resources, rent, catering.   From March 10 2024.
Engagement from May 8, movement February 2024. 

With group meetings.  Contract agreement for July-October 2024.   Focus on revenue.
Investment.  Look to pricing.
Focus on property, resources for December 2024.
Investment, payment gains from June 2 2024. 
Agreement from March 10 2024 for September 2024.    
Action with education from May 8 2024. 

Engagement.  Business direction of July 2024-April 2025. 
Work busy with daily routines.
Movement, advance with operations, employment contract from delay of April 8 2024 and action of June 2 2024.
Work focus, purpose to March 10 2024. 
Investment gains from May 8 2024.  Involvement in creative project.
Sibling for December 2024. 

Ending, business closure.  Foreign association for July-October 2024.
Look to personal possessions.  Finance for October 2024.
Gains with work from delay of April 8 and action of June 2 2024.
Revenue, investment of March 10 2024.  Finance for November 2024. 
Movement, trip.  Relations from May 8 2024. 
Your activity July reflects the recreation of December 2024.

Accommodation, cater to other.  Arrange premises.
Focus on shared resources, payment.  The association of July-October 2024.
Advance with creative project of June 1 2024. 
Focus on property resources of March 10 2024. 
Action with schedules from May 8 2024. 
Work ending.  Retreat.  Arrange premise for self-activity.    

Movement.  Work operations.  Appoint employee .  Employment contract for July-October 2024.
Gains with agreement from June 2 2024.   Work focus from March 4 2024. 
Investment gains from May 8 2024. 
Arrange premises, new direction for October 2024. 

Work focus of July-October 2024 and January-April 2025.  Establish schedules to get more done.   
Revenue.  Supplies.  Set pricing for new direction of September 2024 and operations of October 2024. 
From March 4 2024. 
Group meetings. Association of July 2024-April 2025. 
Advance with work from delay of April 8 2024.  Movement with project of June 2 2024.
Focus on finance.  Purpose to project of March 10 2024. 
Action with property, action with agreement of May 8 2024.   

Investment, creative project.  The focus of July-October 2024.
Engagement, commitment to direction.
Finance gains from June 2 2024.
Premises from March 10 2024.  Property from March 4 2024. 
Action with work from May 8 2024.   
Plan recreation for December 2024. 

Agreement with foreign.  Business closure, retreat at home for July-October 2024.
Property appointment from June 2 2024. 
New direction from ending of March 4 2024.
Action with finance from May 8 2024. 
Focus on property.  Business closure, travel for December 2024.

Focus on work schedules and work premises.
Attention to neighbour.
Subcontract, shared resources.
Benefit from retreat of April 8 2024.
Gains from work appointment of May 8 2024.  Revenue gains from March 10 2024.
Appoint property from May 8 2024.
Wealth acquisition for February 2025. 

Work busy, the association of July-October 2024.  Cater to others.  Get assistance.  Subcontract. 
Payment for October 2024.   
Arrange catering accommodation for December 2024. 
Advance with work appointment from delay of April 8 2024.  Linked to June 2 2024. 
Supply, the product of March 10 2024. 
Action with premises from May 8 2024. 
Investment sees acquisition February 2025. 

Employment agreement, movement of operations.   Finance focus of July-October 2024.
Revenue gains from delay of April 8, from June 2 2024.   Linked to engagement of March 4 2024. 
Business engagement from June 27 2024.   Linked to March 10 2024.
Action from work ending of May 8 2024. 
Work focus from agreement of June 28 2024.  Change in premises October 2024.
Movement for December 2024.  Arrange resources.

Do you have a business?   Have the advantage.  Time your deals with foresight. 

Time Your Action!
