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WEEK 29 JUNE 2020

28th June 2020

JULY  2020


The week reflects activity/changes in business premises.
Change in property ownership.   Movement.
Change in property appointment.   Tenant change.
Outcome of legal affairs from April.
Moon with Jupiter reflects:
Business operations of July.   Business schedules.  
Change in status of employee appointment, retrenchment.
Business closure from March.
Change in business foreign association from April.
Business pricing, wealth consolidation of business pricing, items
Business funding linked to wealth acquisition, into business contracts.
Travel from week of 20 July 2020
Potential conflict.  Contrariety in relations, contracts.
Business investment linked to business operations.
Movement.    Trips.

Affair of business premises of this day sees change October 2020.
Business operations.   Change of employee status of employment.
Moon with Spica.
First Quarter Moon.  
Business investment.   Potential conflict.  
Mercury in inferior conjunction.
Business investment.  
Monetary fluctuation. 
Potential disruption.   
Changes in status of employee appointment.
Business work schedules.
Moon with Antares.
Change in status of employee appointment.  Ending
Business work loss.
Unfavourable for action.   Potential material loss.
Property activity. House activity.
An ending.
Property home, activity.
Appulse Lunar Eclipse.
Consolidation of wealth.
Constrains of business pricing.
Constraints of sales.
This sees outcome of change October 2020.

These are global foresights. for your business TimeMap2020

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 29 JUNE 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of

Week with house activity.    Business pricing.   Business contract.
Week highlights July activity of change of business premises from April for outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July activity of change in property appointment from April for outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July activity of legal affair from April for outcome October 2020.
Week with change in employee status of appointment,  work schedules.
Week highlights July change in employee contract, from April for outcome October 2020.
Week with business investment, personal finance. 
Week highlights July affair of business pricing from April for outcome October 2020.
Week with change with business premises.
Week highlights July activity of business operations, from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July the change in status of ownership,  from April, outcome October 2020.
Week with business ending.
Week highlights July affair of business closure,  from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights foreign affairs of July.  
Week with change in business funding.  
Week highlights July investment from April,  outcome October 2020.
Week with change in business operations.
Week highlights July activity of change in business appointment, legal affair from April, outcome October 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of move from April, outcome October 2020.   
Week with foreign affairs, legal matters. 
Week highlights July activity of business closure from April, outcome October 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of employee affairs from April, outcome October 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of foreign affairs from April, outcome October 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of legal matter from April, outcome October 2020.  
Week with investment, payment.   An ending.
Week highlights July activity of business finance from April, outcome October 2020.
Week with business operations, contracts.   Movement.
Week highlights July business contract stem from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July change in property stems from April, outcome October 2020.
Week with work affairs,  foreign affairs.   Potential business closure.  
Week highlights July change in employee appointment stems from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July foreign affairs stem from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights July work premises stem from April, outcome October 2020.
Week highlights finance of business.   Week highlights July finance stems from April, outcome October 2020.

These are global foresights. for your 2020 personal dinastroTimeMap2020

Sagacious Prescription of Time


WEEK 21-28 JUNE 2020

21st June 2020

JULY  2020



The month of July commences the week of 21st June 2020.
The week reflects the resuming of business operations from April in a contrary opposition.  Business closure of April operate July,  financial outcome October.
This week reflects the contentions of business contracts of the month of July, from April 2020.
The week resume business operations, schedules, activity with business premises from April for July 2020, but because of the eclipse this has the following outcome:
This week reflects changes in business schedules, business employees, business legalities, business closure, business  premises, foreign affairs of July,  as outcome from constraints of April. 
The outcome of these changes go through delays with Mercury retrograde and signify activity of August.    
Eventful days of the week 21-23 June 2020.  
MARS Transit show business operations of April resuming.
Business finance of April signifies loss June;
cultivating business contracts and legal oppositions July;
movement, change in business premises, investment in business client appointment,  finances of sales, rental payment,  constraints in wealth.   Consolidation of wealth acquisition, wealth increase. 

SUNDAY 21  JUNE 2020
Solstice:   Annular Solar Eclipse
Business contentions from closure of April signify activity of July 2020.
This sees an outcome of constraints of wealth, potential mortality, closure of business premises/shops outcome in October 2020.
Constraints in investment, business funding of July see outcome October 2020.
Potential conflict.  Disruption.   Movement.  
Business operations, investment to be revealed June 26 2020.

The eclipse of 21 June 2020 activates the Cancer-Capricorn Axis.
This links the eclipses of 26 December 2019, 10 January, 5 July 2020.  
Heralding business closure, an ending, material loss September;
the end of a phase of our activities of the Saturn period of 2018-2020.

This is a global foresight.

For your personal foresight reflecting the eclipse please refer to your own dinastroTIMEMAP2020.    

Business premises,  business operations,  business sales finance,  business investment,  business contracts,  business disputes,  wealth.  
Potential conflict.  Disruption. 
This cycle continues till 23rd  July and reflects activity of the month of July 2020.

Business operations, contracts, opposition.   Affairs of finance.

Finance of business operations.  Wealth.       

Finance of business operations.  Wealth.   This day shows outcome August 2020.

Management of daily business affairs.   Change in employee contracts.  A work ending.   

Closure.   Withdrawal.   

Movement.  Change in premises.   Change in position. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 22 JUNE 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
Movement.  New direction. – from April 2020.
Week highlights July change of business premises.
Week highlights July change in property appointment.
Week highlights legal affair for July 2020.
Week highlights July change in employee contract from April 2020
Week highlights July affair of business finance, payments from April 2020.
Week highlights July change of business operations, from April 2020.
Week highlights July change in status of ownership,  from April 2020.  
Week highlights July affair of business closure,  from April 2020.
Week highlights foreign affairs of July.  
Week highlights July affair of finance, investment from April 2020.   LIBRA    
Week highlights July change in appointment of business from April 2020.  
Week highlights July change in contract from April 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of move from April 2020.  
Week highlights July affair of business closure from April 2020.  
Week highlights July employee affairs from April 2020.  
Week highlights July foreign affairs from April 2020.  
Week highlights July legal matter from April 2020.  
Week highlights July activity of business funding from April 2020.
Week highlights July activity of business investment, payments from April 2020.  
Week highlights July change in business appointment/position from April 2020.
Week highlights July business contracts, sales from April 2020.
Week highlights July change in property from April 2020.
Week highlights July change in business closure from April 2020.
Week highlights July foreign affairs from April 2020.
Week highlights July change in work premises outcome from April 2020.
Week highlights July finance affair, investment, loan stems from April 2020.
Week highlights July affair of personal resource stems from April 2020.

These are global foresights. for your 2020 personal dinastroTimeMap2020

Sagacious Prescription of Time

These are global foresights.

JULY 2020

21st June 2020

JULY  2020


The month of July 2020 commences week of 21-23rd June 2020.  

July 2020 shows outcome of business from April 2020.

July business activity sees outcome October 2020.

Globally July signifies business operations,  business premises, new direction from April.   
Property changes from April 2020.
Movement from constraints of April 2020.
Fluctuation in monetary value.
Potential disruption, conflict.    Contrariety in relations.  

JULY signifies movement,  business investments,  new direction of July-December 2020.  


SUN    Business premises from preparation of June.   Property activity.   This cycle sees outcome October 2020.
MOON     Business operations from planning of June.   Work schedules.   This cycle sees outcome October 2020.
Full Moon Appulse Lunar Eclipse 5 July
New Moon 20 July
MERCURY     Business closure delays from April.   Foreign affairs, status of travel, delays until 11th July movement from week of 20 July 2020.
Mercury Direct 11 July
MARS     begins his stop-start cycle July-December 2020.  This signifies movement, change in status of business operations, change in status of business appointment, monetary fluctuation.   
CERES    Change in work  premises,  change in employee appointment of July 2020. Ceres Retrograde Phase begins 7 July.

These are global foresights. for your personal outcomes for July 2020

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS JULY 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
JULY 2020
Movement.  New direction.   July shows change in status of business operations stem from April see outcome October 2020.
July change of business premises in July stems from April see outcome October 2020.  
July change in property appointment stems from April see outcome October 2020.
July legal affair stems from April see outcome October 2020.
July change in affair of employee stem from March see outcome October 2020.
July business closure stems from April see change in employee contracts October 2020.  
July business finance, payment stems from April see outcome October 2020.
July change in business contracts, sales stem from March.
July affair of property stems from March, outcome October 2020.
July change in business operations stem from April see outcome October 2020.
July change in work premises, employee affair stem from March, outcome October 2020.
July business closure stems from April sees outcome October 2020. VIRGO    
July affair of finance stems from April,  outcome October 2020.
July change in business affairs stem from April, outcome October 2020.
July legal affair stem from April outcome October 2020.
July change, move from April sees outcome October 2020.
July business closure stem from April, see outcome October 2020.
July employee change from April see outcome October 2020.
July change of foreign affairs from April see outcome October 2020.
July activity of status of legal matter stems from April, outcome October 2020.
July business finance from April, see outcome of constraints October 2020.
July affair of child from April 2020.
July change in business premises from April 2020.
July change in property stems from April 2020.
July business closure from April, sees outcome October 2020.
July foreign affairs from April, outcome October 2020.
July change in work premises stem from April sees outcome of change October 2020.
July finance affair, investment, loan stems from April, sees outcome October 2020.
July affair of personal resource stems from April 2020.

These are global foresights. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

The week marks the end of the month of June 2020.

This week marks affairs of:   personal finance;  travel;  business closure;  education;  legal matters.   
These affairs see delays June and see outcome of advancement week of 27 July 2020.

Activity of this week feature:   
Business operations from event of March.
House activity.   Change in status of property ownership.  
Mask, concealment.  
Funding of business for operations July 2020.
Resources of business for operations July 2020.  

Of significance this week is the 20th June 2020, signifying the end of activities of the month.   
Business operations of the week see delays June, outcome week of 20 July 2020.
Change in employee contracts results in material gain.     A work ending.Mercury begins his three week retrograde phase.   Delays

25 MAY-20 JUNE 2020 Funding of business for business operations in July 2020.


Finance of institutions linked to event of April 2020.  
Business sales from April.  
Activity of finance of this day sees outcome July 2020.
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020..   

Business closure of this day is from May 2020.
Legal matter of this day stem from May 2020.
Affair of travel of this day stems from May.
Affair of education of this day stems from May.
Movement.   Sudden change in direction.  
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020..   

Mercury retrograde phase commences this day.
Business closure of this day is from May 2020.
Legal matter of this day stem from May 2020.
Affair of travel of this day stems from May.
Affair of education of this day stems from May.
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020..   

Business closure of this day is from May 2020.
Legal matter of this day stem from May 2020.
Affair of travel of this day stems from May.
Affair of education of this day stems from May.
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020..   

Personal finance.   Foreign affairs.   Affair of travel.   Legal matters. 
Business closure.  
Activity of recreation, social. 
Change in appointment of  business of June.  
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020.
Dark Moon.

Activity of recreation, social. 
Business funding of June for business operations of July 2020.
Moon and Venus,  in the East.     
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in West.  
Moon with Aldebaran.

The start of the month of July 2020.

These are global foresights.   
For your elective foresights please refer to your personal 2020 TimeMap. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 15 JUNE 2020  for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

The week reflects a work ending of June 2020.    Change of business premises of this week indicates activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Change in property appointment of this week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.

Business finance of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Movement of child of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Business closure of this week reflects June sees outcome of change July 2020.

Business operations of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Business funding of the week reflects action of June for outcome  July 2020.  

Business closure of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Business operations of the week reflect action of June for outcome July 2020.

Business finance,  investment of this week reflects activity of June 2020.   Business closure, ending of this week reflects June for action July 2020.  

Business contract of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Shared resources,  investment of the week reflects activity of June planning for July 2020.

Business closure, work change of this week reflects activity of June 2020.   Affair of tenancy of this week reflects activity of June 2020.
Movement,  contract of the week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.

Business rental, payment of this week reflects activity of June 2020.   
Affair of recreation of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Affair of child of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Work activity of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

House activity of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Business agreements of this week reflects activity of June 2020.
Activity of recreation.   Affair of child.   – of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

Work routines of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Home activity of the week reflects  June for outcome of change July 2020.

Personal finance of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Routine activity of the week reflects June for outcome July 2020.

Business premises of this week reflects activity of June 2020.  
Activity with personal resources of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020 for your dated 2020 TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

The week highlights:    
Business operations from March 2020.   Sales.
Funding of daily business running.  
Ending of closure from March 2020.
Change in property,   Movement.
Masks, concealment.
Hidden things with foreign travel.   Riches.
Planning for change in business operations for July 2020. 
Focus of the week are the days of 11-13 June 2020.
Movement,  contract,  commitment,  in these days see outcome March 2021.  

25 MAY-20 JUNE 2020     Funding of business for business operations in July 2020.

Communications, material things may be faulty.   
Focus on property resources.   Wealth.   
Advancement of affairs of property.   Mobility. 
Affairs of children, of this day see outcome of movement July 2020. 
Moon with Jupiter, Saturn. 
Hidden things.   Potential conflict.   Group activity   Mortality.   – of this day reflects July 2020.
Delays of foreign affairs, travel of the week of 8 June see outcome of advancement July 2020.
Delays with personal finance of the week of 8 June see outcome of advancement July 2020.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.

Focus on work schedules.   
Matter of health.
Constraints of movement.   Security measures. 
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.

Focus on work routines.   
Matter of health.
Constraints of movement.   Security measures. 
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.

This day features meetings,  relationships,  agreements,  movement.
Potential conflict, legalities.
Business sales,  from March.   Activity in this day reflects June 2020.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.

This day features meetings,  contracts,  sales.    Movement.  
Advancement of property affairs from March 2020.
Potential conflict,  disruption,  legalities.
Business sales,  from March.   Activity in this day reflects June 2020, sees outcome March 2021.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
The day places the focus on women of authority.   ~
Moon with Mars, potential conflict, disruption from April.

Movement.    Relationships.
Potential conflict,  disruption,  legalities.
Business sales,  from March.   Activity in this day reflects June 2020, sees outcome March 2021.
Advancement of foreign travel,  hidden.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Potential deception.   Hidden things.   Concealment, masks.
Last Quarter Moon.

Activity of recreation.
Affair of children.
Finance of institutions.    Investment.
Funding of June for business operations July 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap!

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 8 JUNE 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
The week reflects business closure of June, from March 2020.
Legal matter from March 2020.
Change of business premises of this week indicates activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Change in property appointment reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Outcome of legal affair for July 2020.

Shared finance, investment of this week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Affair of child of this week reflects activity of June from March 2020.  
Business closure of this week reflects June sees outcome of change July 2020.

Movement of this week reflects action of June from March 2020.
Client business operations.
Business funding of the week reflects June for outcome  July 2020.  

Work change of the week reflects activity of June, continuation of March 2020.
Business operations of the week reflect action of June for outcome July 2020.

Affair of child of the week reflects activity of June, from March 2020.
Business closure, ending of this week reflects June for action July 2020.  

House affair of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Shared resources,  investment of the week reflects activity of June planning for July 2020.

Communications, change of employment of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Movement,  contract of the week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020

Personal finance of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Work activity of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020

Selfhood activity of the week reflects June from March 2020.
Activity of recreation.   Affair of child.   – of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

Business closure,  ending  of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Home activity of the week reflects June for outcome of change July 2020.

The focus this week signifies business finance.  Investment.  
Affair of child of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Work schedules of the week reflects June for outcome July 2020.

Business operations  of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Activity with personal resources of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap


Sagacious Prescription of Time

JUNE 2020
The week highlights:

Movement.   New direction from March.   
Activity with business premises, business operations.
Home activity.   Change in status of property ownership.  
Funding of business for operations July 2020.
Resources of business for operations July 2020.  
Of significance this week is the 5-6 June 2020.   
Business sales.   Property, house activity. 
Business operations of the week see delays June, outcome week of 20 July 2020. 
Full Moon,  Appulse Eclipse.

25 MAY-20 JUNE 2020     Funding of business for business operations in July 2020.

Focus on individual resources.
Business resources for business operations.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Moon with Spica.
Focus on individual resources.
Business resources for business operations.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Communications, news on this day prove faulty.  
Status of appointment of work force.
Busyness with daily work routines.
Movement,  news,  communications,  organising.   
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Communications, news on this day prove faulty.  
Venus in inferior conjunction.
Status of appointment of work force.
Busyness with daily work routines.
Movement,  news,  communications,  organising.   
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Communications, news on this day prove faulty.  
Change in property affairs from February 2020. 
Ending of constraint of mobility of March.   
Business sales.     Potential material loss.
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Full Moon.   Appulse Lunar Eclipse visible over Asia, Australia, Europe, Indian Ocean.  
Refer to your TimeMap for your personal outcome signified by this eclipse.  
Change in property affairs from February 2020. 
House activity.  
Business sales.     Potential material loss.
A time for endings. 
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.
Property resources.  
Investments.    Finance of business sales.  
Activity of recreation.
Affairs of children.  
Business funding for business operations of July 2020.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 1 JUNE 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
The week reflects work schedules of June, outcome from March 2020.
Health affair of June 2020.
Change of business premises of this week indicates activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Change in property ownership of this week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Affair of child of this week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Activity of recreation of this week reflects a tivity of June from March 2020.
Client contract payment of this week reflects activity of June from March 2020.   
Business closure of this week reflects June sees outcome of change July 2020.
Home activity of this week reflects action of June from March 2020.
Eclipse signifies material gain.
Business funding of the week reflects action of June for outcome  July 2020.  
Work routines of the week reflects activity of June, continuation of March 2020.
Business operations of the week reflect action of June for outcome July 2020.
Affair of personal finance of the week reflects activity of June, from March 2020.
Business closure, ending of this week reflects June for action July 2020.  
New business premises of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Shared resources,  investment of the week reflects activity of June planning for July 2020.
Business closure,  ending of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Movement,  contract of the week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.
Business resources of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Work activity of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.
Business operations of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Eclipse:  Potential material loss
Activity of recreation.   Affair of child.   – of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.
Business closure,  client time targets,  foreign associations  of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Home activity of the week reflects  June for outcome of change July 2020.
Business finance,  payment.   Investment.  
Affair of child of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Routine activity of the week reflects June for outcome July 2020.
Movement  of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Activity with personal resources of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

31 May 2020

JUNE 2020
The month of June 2020 commences week of 23rd May.  

June signifies movement of business operations from March, for new direction JULY 2020.
June mobility from March 2020 with concealment.
June fulfilment of contractual agreement from March 2020,  sees outcome February 2021.
June Government directive.    National trade and integrity.  
Changes in property affairs.   Movement, outcome of March 2020.
Focus on women of authority.

June:    The calm before the storm of July.
Hidden things of February are revealed in March,  manifest April,  see outcome of conflict and mortality July, wealth October 2020 

SUN           End of closure of March 2020.   Home, property activity.   Business contracts from March 2020.  
MOON      5 June Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. 21 June Annular Solar Eclipse.
25 MAY-20 JUNE 2020    Funding of business for business operations in July 2020.
MERCURY Retrograde 17 JUNE-11 JULY 2020
VENUS       Retrograde phase of May ends 24 JUNE 2020.
MARS        Business operations from March 2020.
CERES       Business commitments of June sees outcome February 2021.
These are global foresights.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS JUNE 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
Client business closure.   Work premises.   Affair of health.   – reflects June from March 2020.
Business closure, ending activity of June.     – of June is for action July 2020.
New direction for business operation July 2020.

Shared resources.   Finances of institution.   – response of March for action June 2020.
Business finance.    Employee schedules.   Meetings.   Movement of child.   – activity of June 2020.
Business closure,  work routines of June changes July 2020.
Recreational activity.   Rental resources.   Client payment.    Child.   – activity of June 2020.

Business operations activity of June.
Movement.   Contract.    –  from March for action June 2020.
Business funding.   Meeting.   Movement of child.   Client finance.   – activity of June is for July 2020.
Home, property activity of June, from March 2020.

Closure of business operations of June 2020.
Planning of business operations in June, for July 2020.
Busyness with work affairs,  employees.   – activity of June, continuation of March 2020.
Health affair of June, from March 2020.

Shared resources.   Loan.   Rental.   Payment.  Investment.    –  of June 2020.     
Personal finance  – activity of June, from March 2020. 
Business closure of June changes in July 2020.
Recreational activity.   Affair of child.  – action of June   – from March 2020 

Movement.   Client business operations,  contract of June 2020.
Shared resources.   Loan.  Investment.   Rental.   Payment.   –of June is for July 2020.
New direction of business premises of June 2020.
Home, property activity of June   – from March 2020 

Activity of work of June, from March 2020.
Affair of health of June 2020.
Business closure of June 2020.
Movement,  client contract of June is for July 2020.

Recreational activity.   Affair of child.   – of June 2020.   
Business finance.   Government resource of June from March 2020.     
Work activity of June is for July 2020.
Personal finance of June from March 2020 

Home, family activity of June 2020.
Business operations of June 2020. 
Business investment,  payment.   Affair of child..     – of June, for action July 2020.
New business premises of June, from March 2020.

Organising work activity of June 2020.
Business closure of June from March 2020.
House activity of June changes July 2020. 

Activity with personal finance of June 2020.
Shared resources,  finance of institution,  loan,  investment of June is for July 2020.
Work organizing of June is for July 2020.
Business funding,   finance of client of June stems from March 2020. 

Change in business premises of June from March 2020.
Business operations of June from March 2020 
Movement.   Client contract of June,  from March 2020. 
Personal finance of June is for action July 2020.

These are global foresights. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

The week marks the start of the month of June 2020.
Of significance this week is the 30-31 May 2020.
This week marks new direction of the month of June from closure of March 2020.
Business premises, business operations.  Contracts, sales.   Work schedules.   
Business funding.   Loans, shared finance,  finance of institutions. 
Confusion,  hidden things.  Concealment.  
Movement.   Home activities. 
25 MAY-20 JUNE 2020   Funding of business for business operations in July 2020.

MONDAY 25 MAY 2020
Business closure.    Ending.
Busyness of work affairs.   Health of workforce.  
Funding of business.  
Government resources.
Group meetings.
Communications are true.

Business closure.    Ending.
Busyness of work affairs.   Health of workforce.  
Funding of business.   Finance of business.
Government resources.
Group meetings.
Communications are true.
Moon with Pollux.  
Activity of this day indicates finance activity of June for business operations July 2020 (from April).

Business operations,  business premises for June 2020.
Movement  – ending from March 2020.
Property affairs.   Movement.

Business operations,  business premises for June 2020.
Business funding.   Payments.  
Movement  – ending from March 2020.
Property affairs.   Movement.

New direction from  March 2020.   
Business operations,  business premises for June 2020.

New direction from  March 2020.   Business premises, operations.   Business funding.  
Change in status of property ownership.   Movement.  
Moon with Regulus.
First Quarter Moon. 
Jupiter, Saturn in the early evening sky. 

New direction from  March 2020.   Business premises, operations.   Business funding.  
Change in status of property ownership.   Movement.  
Plans of this day reflect action of June for outcome September 2020.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS WEEK 25MAY 2020 for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

This week of work routines reflects activity of June, outcome from March 2020.
Change of business premises of this week indicates activity of June for outcome July 2020.

Affair of personal finance of this week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Business closure of this week reflects June sees outcome of change July 2020.

New direction in business premises of this week reflects action of June from March 2020.
Business funding of the week reflects action of June for outcome  July 2020.  

Business closure of the week reflects activity of June, continuation of March 2020.
Business operations of the week reflect action of June for outcome July 2020.

Activity with business resources of the week reflects activity of June, from March 2020.
Business closure, ending of this week reflects June for action July 2020.  

Business operations of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Shared resources,  investment of the week reflects activity of June planning for July 2020.

Business closure,  ending of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Movement,  contract of the week reflects activity of June for outcome July 2020.

Finance of institution,  loan,  investment of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Work activity of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

Movement,  contract of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Activity of recreation.   Affair of child.   – of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020.

Work affair of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Home activity of the week reflects  June for outcome of change July 2020.

Affair of child of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Routine activity of the week reflects June for outcome July 2020.

Home activity of the week reflects activity of June from March 2020.
Activity with personal resources of the week reflects  June for outcome July 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

#2020foresights #TimeMap2020 #ephemeris #elective #diary2020 #2020predictions #April2020 #March2020 #May2020 #June2020 #July2020 #August2020 #November2020 #2021 #dinastro

dinastro ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS  WEEK 18-24th MAY 2020
Of significance this week is the 22nd May 2020.
This marks the ending of the month of May.
Constraints.    Scarcity.   System of control continues from May 2020.
A time of closure.   Ending of the time of closure.      Hidden things.  
Sudden break in the status quo.   Movement.  

Equally significant this week is the 23rd May 2020.
This marks the start of the month of June 2020.
This means that your activity on the 23-24th May signifies the action of June 2020.  

JUNE 2020
Ending of affair of February.
New direction of business from March 2020.  

The highlight of this week of 18 MAY features:
Social work interaction.   Work communications.   Business operations.
Restrains in affair of health.    Restraints of travel.  
Communications, work premises,  schedules.    Action of work from March for June 2020.
Investment in work daily running,  payments.  
Hidden things.   Concealment, masks.   
Unexpected change in funding of closure of business.
Break from status quo.
Wealth.   – from March for outcome July.  

MOON         Dark Moon.       New Moon.
MERCURY    Business operations of the week reflect activity of week of 8th June, and see outcome week of 27 July 2020.
VENUS        Social interaction related to work affairs.    Continuation of social distance of April changes week of 27 July 2020.    Travel from 23rd August 2020.
MARS          The week shows action of week of 24 February.   Continuation of business affairs of March.   This signifies movement of June commencing 23rd May 2020.
CERES          signifies financial disruption related to health affair of March.   Health affair of March.   Mobility of June.    This cycle sees outcome December 2020.    Focus on older women in position of authority.  

The month of May shows a break in the status quo of April.   Caution.
Activities of the month of May see outcome of suspension August 2020.  
Activities of home in the month of May see outcome November 2020.  
These are global foresights.

For your personal foresights of how the planetary changes they portend of your personal outcomes view your own TimeMap 2020.  
Global foresights portent global events affecting everyone.
The Wheel of Time indicates different outcomes for each individual.

MONDAY 18 MAY 2020
Continuation of business closure of April.
Activity in business premises for week of 26 May 2020.   
Change in status of property ownership.
Continuation of business closure of April.   Operation from week of 25 June for July 2020.
Activity in business premises for week of 26 May 2020.
Change in status of property ownership.  
Continuation of business closure of May.
Sudden break of status quo of May for new direction June.   Movement.
News, communications are true, with hidden intent.  
Continuation of business closure of May.
Dark Moon.
News, communications are true, with hidden intent.  
Continuation of business closure of May.
Dark Moon.  
Ending of the month of May.
Government directive.  
Mercury with Venus.  
Mars with Ceres.
Commencement of the month of June 2020.
New direction of business operations for June.
Wealth of business.    Operation of business. 
Moon with Aldebaran.
Moon with Venus.
Jupiter Mars Saturn in a line.
New Moon.
Commencement of the month of June 2020.
New direction of business operations for June.
Wealth of business.    Operation of business of June for July 2020.
Recreation. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

#2020foresights #TimeMap2020 #ephemeris #elective #diary2020 #2020predictions #April2020 #March2020 #May2020 #June2020 #July2020 #August2020 #November2020 #2021 #dinastro

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for the 23-24th May reflect JUNE,  for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

Business closure.  Employee contract.  Working behind the scenes.   – for June 2020. 
Contract.   Movement.   Legal affair.  – from March for action July.

Business funding.  Resources of client. Meeting.  Movement of child.  –  for June 2020.
 Work affairs.   Employee.  Client business closure.   Health matter.   – from March for action July 2020

Business operations.   Movement.  – for June.  
Business investment,  payment.   Affair of child.     – from March for action July 2020.

Business closure.   Foreign association.   –  for June.  
Home activity.    An ending.   Commitment.     – from March for action July 2020.

Affair of finance, payment.   Affair of child.   – for June.
Work activity of 23-24th from March for action July 2020

Contract.   Movement.   Legal affair.  – for June.
Affair of finance stems from March for action July 2020.

Work affairs.   Employee.  Client business closure.   Health matter.   – for June 2020.
Planning new direction from March for action July 2020.

Business investment,  payment.   Affair of child.     – for June 2020.
Closure of business from March sees action July 2020.

Home activity.    An ending.     – for June 2020.
Business funding.   Resources of client.    Meetings.  Movement of child. .   – from March for action July 2020.

Work activity for June 2020.
Business engagement stems from March for action July 2020.

Affair of personal finance for June 2020.
Business closure, ending.     – from March for action July 2020.

Change in business premises,  new direction for June 2020.
Business investment,  payment.   Affair of child.    – from March for action July 2020.

Of significance this week is the 13 and 14th May 2020.
Mobility.   Movement from the constraints of April.  
Social work interaction.   Work communications.   Business operations.
Constraints.    Scarcity.   System of control continues from April 2020.

The highlight of this week of 11 MAY features:
continuation of affairs from the month of March 2020.
Ending of affair of constraint of April 2020.

PLANETARY CYCLES week of 11th MAY 2020
MERCURY    enters the constellation of Gemini.   Work operations commence for June 2020.
VENUS          begins her retrograde phase.   This signifies delays in social interaction, continuation of social distance of the month of April 2020.   This sees outcome of change week of 27th July 2020. 
MARS           ends his aspect with Saturn of April ending the cycle of constraints,  disruption,  scarcity of April 2020. 
Mars begins his transit through the constellation of Pisces.   This signifies movement of June commencing 23rd May 2020.
CERES          signifies financial disruption related to health affair of March.   Health affair of March.   Mobility of June.    This cycle sees outcome December 2020.    Focus on older women in position of authority.  
JUPITER        begins his retrograde phase.   This signifies affair of health,  mobility,   wealth of May.    Outcome of this cycle November 2020.
SATURN        begins his retrograde phase.   This signifies constraints,  technology of April.     This heralds 2021.

These are global insights.
Request your individual foresights of your planetary cycles.

The month of May shows break in the status quo of April.   Caution.
Activities of the month of May see outcome of suspension August 2020.  
Activities of home in the month of May see outcome November 2020.  

These are global foresights.

For your personal foresights of how the planetary changes they portend of your personal outcomes view your own TimeMap 2020.  

Global foresights portent global events affecting everyone.
Request your personal Wheel of Time for your individual foresights.

Monday 11th MAY 2020
Work affairs from finance payments continuation of March 2020.
Work schedules.  
Affair of health.   
Global no action day.     Things are faulty.
Tuesday 12
Continuation of work affairs from finance payments of March 2020.
Work schedules.  
Affair of health.  
Global no action day.     Things are faulty.
A favourable outcome.
Wednesday 13
Affair of mobility of April.
Constraints,  delays,  obstacle.   System of control.  
Thursday 14
Focus on relating,  meetings.   Movement.  
Affair of mobility of April.   Ending of constraints of April.  
Government directive. 
Last quarter Moon.
Friday 15
Affair of finance.
Social affairs,  potential disruption.
Home activity.   Business closure.
Action,  movement for June.
Hidden things.   Concealment,  masks.
Affair of health.   Hygiene.  
Saturday 16
Affair of finance.
Turbulence.   Confusion.  Potential intoxication.
Hidden things.   Concealment,  masks.
Sunday 17
Affair of finance.
Turbulence.   Confusion.   Riches.
Hidden things.   Concealment,  masks.
Preparation for movement,  work operations, daily running affairs of June.   The month of June commences week of 23rd May 2020.

This is a global energy.
For your daily personal foresights

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:
Finance of contract,  payment of this week is from April 2020.  – this changes week of 20th July 2020. 
Business funding.    Movement of child.   – of this week signifies your activity of May.  This sees new direction 20th July 2020.
Mobility.   Client business agreement. – this stems from April and changes week of 20th July 2020.
Business engagement of the week reflects your activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.
Work premises,  schedules.   Health affair.  – of the week stems from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Business closure of the week reflects activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.     
Affair of finance, payment.   Affair of child.   –  of this week is from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Finance of contract,  sales,  payment of the week reflects your activity in the month of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.
House activity.   Client agreement.  – of this week stems from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Affair of partner.   Movement.   Sale agreement.   – of this week reflects your activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.
Management of work affairs of this week is from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Affair of health of the week reflects activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.  
Affair of personal finance of this week is from April.    This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Affair of recreation.   Affair of child.    –  of the week reflects your personal activity of May for change week of 20th July 2020.
Change in arrangement of business premises of this week is from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
House affair of the week reflects your personal activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.
Closure of business of this week is from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Daily activity of this week reflects your activity of May for change week of 20th July 2020.
Business finance.   Employee schedule,  meetings.   – of this week stems from affairs of April.  This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Affair of personal finance of the week reflects your activity of May for outcome of change week of 20th July 2020.AQUARIUS  
Changes in business operations of this week stem from April.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Change in business premises of this week reflects you activity of May.   This changes week of 20th July 2020.
Business closure, ending of this week  stems from April.   This reflects your activity of May and changes week of 20th July 2020. This is a global energy. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time