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dinastro FORESIGHTS MAY WEEK 4-10TH MAY 2020


The highlight of this week of MAY features the Full Moon of the 7th May 2020.
This signifies the peak of your activities of the month of May.

The week of 4th May shows closure of business,  home,  confinement,  mortality,  wealth.   This cycle signifies activities of May 4-22nd.

The week of 4th May shows activity in work premises,  appointment of business,  operation of business daily running affairs,  status of employee appointment,    communications.

Material gain in business finance.
The week of 4th May shows a break in the recent status quo.    Movement.
Constraints of April see outcome of change in the week of the 18th May 2020.
Constraints of April see outcome of movement week of the 25th May 2020.
Constraints of April see suspension week of 20th July 2020.
Home activities of April continue till the 22nd May, see change in the month of August, outcome November 2020.
Constraints of April reflect control, constraints, scarcity of 2021.  
Prominence of technology in the month of April reflects affair of technology, group activities of 2021.

The week of 4th May shows action of affairs of the week of the 30th January and of the 6th April 2020.
Business operations of the week of the 4th May see outcome week of 27th July 2020.
The week of 4th May signifies the outcome of affair of social distancing of the week of 24th March 2020.
The week of 4th May signifies gain of personal activity of finance of the week of 24th February 2020.  
Preparations for sales in the week of 4th May see outcome of action in the week of 18th May 2020.
May week of 11th is continuation of affairs left off from the month of March 2020.
Your personal activity of the 8 and 9th May see action in the month of June 2020.

Moon with Venus Uranus 23rd Aprlil-22nd May highlights:  
Social distance,   a break in the recent status quo,   social interaction,  work premises, business schedules.

May highlights: Investments, fulfilment of mobility from April. 
Work operations,  daily schedules,  daily running affairs.

My prediction for this period of time of lockdown will start easing the week of 18th May 2020.

June shows the continuation of affairs left off from the month of March 2020.
Suspension of lockdown measures in week of 20th July 2020.
Outcome of finance affair of the month of April is seen October 2020.
Activities of home in the month of May see change August and outcome November 2020.
The events of technology, constraints, scarcity in the month of April reflect 2021. 
The planetary month of May begins the week of the 20th April 2020.
Personal activities on the days of 23 and 24th April reflect your activities for the month of May 2020.
Activity of the month of April 2020 sees outcome of movement in July 2020.
Change in status of movement of the month of April see outcome of movement,  potential mortality,  disruption July 2020.

Mars Saturn month of April-June 2020 signifies  constraints,  scarcity,  security, technology, groups.   This cycle of the month of April 2020 reflects the year 2021.    

These are global foresights. 

For your personal foresights view your own TimeMap.

Global foresights portent global events affecting everyone.
The Wheel of Time indicates different outcomes for each individual.

Mercury 28 April- 12th May 2020.   This cycle highlights funding of business.    Resources of government.   

Venus in the constellation of Gemini turns retrograde 12th May 2020.   Affair of social interaction of April sees outcome August 2020.

Potential disruption,  mortality of the month of May sees outcome July 2020.     Wealth acquisition.  

Constraints in movement.    Restraints of associations.   – from the month of May sees outcome August 2020.  

Gain for women in position of authority,  in the month of May sees outcome June 2020.

4th May-22nd May  highlights social distance, continuation from March 2020.  

Planetary Foresights week of the 12th of MAY 2020:   
Mercury enters the constellation of Gemini,  work affair commences for June 2020.
Venus begins her retrograde phase, affairs of week of May 12th see delays in the month of June and outcome week of 27th July 2020.
Mars ends his aspect with Saturn of April ending the cycle of constraints, disruption, scarcity of April 2020.
Mars begins his transit through the constellation of Pisces, highlighting the continuation and outcome of business activities of March 2020.
Saturn begins his retrograde phase out of the constellation of Aquarius which he entered in the week of the 23rd March.  
The month of May shows break in the status quo of April.   Caution.
Activities of the month of May see outcome of suspension August 2020.  
Activities of home in the month of May see outcome November 2020.  

This is a global energy


Monday 4th MAY 2020
This day features daily routine schedules.   Work communications.   Technology.
Government directive.
Business operations.  
Mercury in superior conjunction. 

4MAY-22nd MAY 2020
Break from the usual state of affairs.   Movement.
Social separation continues from March 2020.
Measures of constraint of April ease the week of 18th May 2020.
The planetary month of May begins the week of the 20th April 2020.
Your personal activities on the days of 23 and 24th April reflect your activities in the month of May 2020.

Tuesday 5
This day features daily routine schedules.   Work communications.   Technology.
Break from the usual state of affairs of the month of April .   Movement.
Social separation continues from March 2020.
Government directive.
Business operations. 
Moon with Spica. 

Wednesday 6
This day features focus on property affairs of February.
Change in status of mobility from April.  
Change in business.   Movement.
Government directive.
Business operations.  

Global no-action days:   6th – 8th MAY 2020.
Communications in this time are likely to be faulty.   
This is a global energy.

Thursday 7
This day features affairs of property. 
Ending of contract of February 2020.
Outcome of affair of mobility of April 2020.   
Break from the status quo of April.   Movement. 
Your personal activity this day indicates action of the month of May for outcome August 2020.
Social interaction.   
Potential opposition to government.
Government directive.
Business operations.  

FULL MOON 7-12th MAY 2020    
This phase features a time of fulfilment of plans.   Movement.
Closure.    Endings.  
Outcome of activity of February 2020.  
Property matters.  
Action to new direction for outcome August 2020.  

Friday 8
This day features outcome of affair of 2019.
Plans for the month of June.
Break from status of affairs of April.   Movement. 
Social interaction.   
Moon with Antares.
Government directive.
Business direction.  

Saturday 9
Use of property resources.
Investment.    Speculation.  
Social affairs.
Outcome of affairs of February 2020.
Plans for the month of June.
Your personal activity in this day sees outcome in June 2020
Break from status of April.  Movement. 
Social interaction.   

Sunday 10th May
Material gain   
Addressing affair of March 2020.     
Government directive.
Business direction.  
Activity in this day sees outcome July 2020.
Saturn turns retrograde motion.  
Event of April sees outcome July 2020, when Saturn re-enters the constellation of Capricorn signifying the readdress of affairs of the month of January and March 2020.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

Personal activity of creativity. Affair of child. – of this week reflects events of the month of May for outcome November 2020.
Group meeting.  Funding of business.  Government resource, tax.   – reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.

The week highlights affair of home and family.   
Agreement with landlord.  
Client contract of this week reflects your personal affair of the month of May, for outcome November 2020.
Business engagement of the week reflects your activity of May sees outcome August 2020.

Daily work affairs of this week reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome of change in November 2020.
Business closure of the week reflects activity of May for outcome of change in August 2020.

Affair of personal finance of this week reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Investment,  sales,  payments of the week reflects your activity in the month of May for outcome August 2020.

The week highlights affair of business premises,  change in ownership. 
This reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Affair of partner.   Movement. 
Sale agreement of the week reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.

Business closure of this week reflects personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Affair of health of the week reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.  

Affair of business finance. Meeting. Affair of child – of this week reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Affair of recreation. Affair of child. Resource of property. –  of the week reflects your personal activity of May for outcome August 2020.

Business operations of this week reflect your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Activity of home of the week reflects your personal activity of May for outcome of change in the month of August 2020.

Business closure.  Foreign affair. Legal matter. – of the week reflects personal activity of May, sees outcome November 2020.
Daily activities of this week reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.

Sale, payment, investment of this week reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Affair of personal finance of the week reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.

Affair of partner, agreement, movement of the week reflects personal activity of May, for outcome of change in November 2020.
Premise of business of the week reflects activity of May for outcome August 2020.

Affair of health reflects your personal activity of May, for outcome November 2020.
Business closure of the week reflects activity of May for outcome of change in August 2020. for your own 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

WEEK APRIL 27-3 MAY 2020

26th April 2020



The week of 27th April shows work closure, home activity continuation of affairs of the month of April 2020.

The week of 27th April shows business appointment for the week of 25th May 2020.

The week of 27th April shows a revisit of affairs of the week of the 9th February and of the 4th March 2020.

The week of 27th April signifies the remedy of the event of the month April 2020.

Activities of the week of 27th April indicate the new direction of the month of August 2020.

The month of May begins 20th April 2020.                           Activities of 23-24th April signify activities of the month of May 2020.  

Moon with Venus Uranus 23rd April-22nd May highlights:  

Investments, payment, fullfilment of mobility from April.  

Social distance,  break in the recent status quo, social interaction.

Activities of 30th April and 1st May see outcome August 2020.

These are global foresights. 

For your personal foresights view your own TimeMap.


Monday 27th April 2020

This day highlights closure,  hidden things.

Government directive.

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

Finance of business.   Affairs of credit.  

Tuesday 28

This day show restrains in closures.   Home activity.  

News, communications on this day are true.   Material things worthy.  

Material gain.    This day signifies new direction for action June,  outcome July 2020.

Restrain of work affairs of 28th April see outcome week of 25th May 2020.  

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

Wednesday 29

This day show restrains in closures.   Home activity.  

News, communications on this day are true.   Material things worthy.  

Material gain.    This day signifies new direction for action June,  outcome July 2020.

Restrain of work affairs of 28th April see outcome week of 25th May 2020.  

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

Moon with Pollux,  potential danger from thieves. 

Thursday 30

This day shows the Inception of new projects for outcome in the month of August,  from affairs of the month of April 2020.  

Change of status of ownership.    Outcome of property affair from  the months of February, April 2020. 

Change in status of position.    Appointment of business for the week of 25th May 2020.

Government directive

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

First Quarter Moon.  

Friday 1st MAY

This day shows the Inception of new projects for outcome in the month of August,  from affairs of the month of April 2020.  

Change of status of ownership.    Outcome of property affair from  the months of February, April 2020. 

Change in status of position.    Appointment of business for the week of 25th May 2020.

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

Change in status quo.    Celebration. 

Saturday 2 MAY

Focus on private finance,  possessions,  material things,  monetary value fluctuation.

Social activity.

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

2nd MAY-JULY 2020     Affair of health.   Mortality.    Wealth.    

Sunday 3 May

Focus on private finance,  possessions,  material things,  monetary value fluctuation.

Social activity.

Activity of finance in this day indicates the month of June 2020.

Unexpected change.   Sudden turn of direction,  movement. 

Estrangement.   Social isolation, distance.

These are global foresights. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:


This week highlights business funding,  group meeting,  government resources for the month of May 2020.

Personal finance in this week shows the activity of the month of May and sees outcome August 2020.


This week highlights change in business direction of the month of May 2020.

Planning in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


This week highlights work ending, closure  signifying the activity of the month of May 2020.

Business closure in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Shared resources,  investment of this week show the activity of the month of May 2020.

Business funding in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Movement of this week show the activity of the month of May 2020.

Business appointment of this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Affair of health of this week show the activity of the month of May 2020.

Work closure in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Affair of child of this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

Payments in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

Recreational activity of this week shows the activity of May 2020.


This week highlights home affairs, signifying the activity of the month of May 2020.

Contract agreement in this week shows the development of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

Movement of the month of May sees outcome in the month of August 2020.


Communications of this week show activity of the month of May 2020.

Affair of health in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

Work affairs in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Affair of personal finance of this week show activity of the month of May 2020.

Affair of child in this week shows activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

Recreational activity in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Affair with business premises of this week show activity of the month of May 2020.

Home change in this week shows the activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.


Closure, ending of this week show the activity of the month of May 2020.

Affair of daily operations in this week shows activity of the month of May for outcome in the month of August 2020.

#2020foresights #TimeMap2020 #ephemeris #elective #diary2020 #2020predictions #April2020 #March2020 #May2020 #July2020 #August2020 #2021 #dinastro for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 APRIL WEEK 20-26th

19th April 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS APRIL 2020 WEEK 20-26th


Affairs of the month of April 2020 sees outcome of movement in July 2020.

Change in status of movement of the month of April see outcome of movement,  potential mortality,  disruption July 2020.

Mars Saturn month of April-June 2020 signifies  constraints,  scarcity,  security.   This cycle of the month of April 2020 reflects the year 2021.     

19th April ends the planetary month of April 2020.   

20th April begins the planetary month of May 2020.

Peak of the week of the 20th April are the days of the 23-24th April.        Activities of the day signify activities of the month of May 2020.  

MAY 2020

The planetary month of MAY  begins 20th April and ends 20th May 2020.

Mercury 28 April- 12th May 2020.   This cycle highlights funding of business.    Resources of government.   

Venus in the constellation of Gemini turns retrograde 12th May 2020.   Affair of social interaction of April sees outcome August 2020.

Potential disruption,  mortality of the month of May sees outcome July 2020.     Wealth acquisition.  

Constraints in movement.    Restraints of associations.   – from the month of May sees outcome August 2020.  

Gain for women in position of authority,  in the month of May sees outcome June 2020.

4th May-22nd May  highlights social distance, continuation from March 2020.  

Planetary Foresights week of the 12th of MAY 2020:    

Mercury enters the constellation of Gemini,  work affair commences for June 2020.   

Venus begins her retrograde phase, affairs of week of May 12th see delays in the month of June and outcome week of 27th July 2020.

Mars ends his aspect with Saturn of April ending the cycle of constraints, disruption, scarcity of April 2020.

Mars begins his transit through the constellation of Pisces, highlighting the continuation and outcome of business activities of March 2020.

The month of May shows break in the status quo of April.   Caution.

Activities of the month of May see outcome of suspension August 2020.  

Activities of home of the month of May see outcome November 2020.  

This is a global energy.


Monday 20th April 2020

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

This day signifies outcome of change in property ownership of January 2020.

Energy of 20th  continues till the 27th April:    Sudden change,  a break,  movement.   

Tuesday 21

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

Movement,  communications,  work affairs of this day signify ending of affairs of the month of April 2020.   

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

Dark moon,  hidden things.

Defer action for 24/28th April where growing moon reveals concealed plans of dark moon.  

Ending of the month of April 2020.   

Moon with Mercury,  movement,  currency,  work communications,  technology. 

Wednesday 22

Continuation of 20th April. 

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

Dark moon,  hidden things.

Defer action for 24/28th April where growing moon reveals concealed plans of dark moon.  

Ending of the month of April 2020.   

Moon with Mercury,  movement,  currency,  work communications,  technology. 

View Lyrid meteor showers.   Change, beneficence, hope.  

Thursday 23

The start of the month of May 2020.

Activities of this day depict the month of May 2020.

Continuation of social distancing from March 2020.

Movement.  A break.  

Change in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Focus on business appointment of business.  

News and communications are true. 

New Moon 23 April 2020.  

New direction of the month of May for outcome in the month August 2020. 

Moon at apogee, its furthest point to Earth for the period 2011-2020.  

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn in a line.    Conflict,  mortality.   Wealth.  

Venus brilliant in the evening twilight.   Sudden business operations.  

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

Friday 24

The start of the month of May 2020.

Activities of this day depict the month of May 2020.

Continuation of social distancing from March 2020.

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Focus on business appointment of business.  

News and communications are true. 

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

Saturday 25

Business daily schedules.   Business funding.

Change in status of position.  

Recreation.   Social affairs.  

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Moon with Aldebaran,  business credit.   Wealth through others is transitory.  

Sunday 26th

Business daily schedules.   Business funding.

Change in status of position.  

Recreation.   Social affairs.  

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Moon with Venus,  social activities, groups,  appointment of business.  


PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:


This week highlights funding of business.   Government resources.   Group activity.   Movement of child.   Target of creative project.   These activities of this week see outcome in May 2020.  


Action of this week features direction of business.    Change in status of position.    Change in status of ownership.   These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.


Affair of the the week signifies work closure.    Employee contract.   Planning for May 2020.   


The week highlights finance of institutions,  investment.     Affair of shared resources of this week sees activity May 2020.  


The week highlights movement.   Legal matter.   Partner.    Business engagement of this week sees outcome for May 2020.


The week highlights work affairs.   Employee.   Affair of health.     These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Busy with resources of property.   Recreation.   Affair of child.   Business payment.     These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Home, family affairs.   Contract agreement.   Movement.    These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Busyness with daily affairs.   Communications.    Relations.   These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Personal resources.   Change in status of position of child.    These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Property ownership.    Planning of new direction.   These activities of this week signify the activities of the month of May for outcome August 2020.


Management of client communications.   Work ending.    Employee contract.   Reflection. These activities of this week signify the activities of the month of May for outcome August 2020.

Personal Foresights of the week of 20th April reflect our activities for the month of May for outcome of suspension August 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

A path is made by walking on it.       ― Chuang Tzu

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 APRIL WEEK 13-19th

12th April 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS APRIL 2020 WEEK 13-19th


Change in status of restraint of movement of April 2020 sees outcome of movement, mortality, conflict, disruption July 2020.  

Venus begins her transit through the constellation of Gemini April 4-August 7 2020.   Affair of social interaction of April sees outcome July 2020. This means that the restrains of social affairs of April sees outcome of movement in the month of July 2020.

April 2020 Saturn in Aquarius highlights constraints,  systems of security,    scarcity.   This energy reflects 2021.  

Mercury commences his transit through the constellation of Aries.   This energy features repressed work activities,   changes in employee contracts,  subdued movement of physical activity and finance,  affairs of health,   hidden things.    These affairs of April see outcome July 2020.

Week of 13th of April is the last week of planetary April.  

The month of May begins 20th April 2020 which signifies break in the status quo,  movement.   Caution.  


Monday 13th April 2020

Communications, news, plans made during this time will likely not materialise.     Material things may be faulty.

Tendency to material loss.   A time favouring endings, to end a project or cease a certain activity, habit.   

Focus of the day is on relationships, disputes, movement.    The change in status of position, directive of authority and the disruption of March sees outcome July 2020.   

Tuesday 14th April

Communications, news and plans made during this time will likely not materialise.   

The day focus is on work routine,   relating,  meeting,  contract and affair of wealth.    The day highlights plans of movement for outcome July 2020.   The day features the outcome of finance from the week of 9th March 2020.

Before dawn view Moon with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in a chain.   Wealth of March.   Outcome of disruption of March 2020.

Last Quarter Moon.

Peak of activities of the week of 13th April is the day of the 14th April 2020.   Focus of this week is on affairs of finance of March 2020, for outcome July 2020.

Peak of activity of the month of April 2020 is on the 15-17th April.    Globally this is a time of  delays,  hindrance,  scarcity, security systems,  gatherings, movement,  and consolidation.   Outcome of these events of April 2020 is seen in 2021.    

Wednesday 15th April

Focus of the day is on investment,  finance of institutions,  funding and payments. 

Moon with Saturn shows hindrance and constraints. Keep within measure.

The day features the wealth from March 2020.

Thursday 16th April

Focus on investment,  finance of institutions,  funding,  payments. 

The day features the wealth from March 2020. 

Moon is with Mars indicates potential conflict and disruption. This sees outcome July 2020.   Outcome of appointment from February 2020. 

Friday 17

Focus on investment,  finance of institutions,  funding and payments.   This day also features recreational activities.   

This day highlights wealth from March 2020.   

Affairs of women of authority, from February see outcome in August 2020. 

Saturday 18

Focus on foreign affairs,  affairs of travel, education,  work targets and recreational activities.   A time of work endings.

The gain of March 2020. 

Sunday 19th

Focus on foreign affairs,  affairs of travel, education,  work targets and recreation.    A time of turbulence, hidden things and endings.    Riches.  

The day features the wealth from March 2020.

The events of this week pertains to the global energy, impacting everyone. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:


Change in status of position.  Movement.  Contract, sale.   Legal matter.   Partner.  Business direction.     These activities stem from March see outcome July 2020.  


Work changes, deadlines.   Work premises.  Employee changes.  Affair of health.   –  from March, outcome July 2020.  


Use of property resources.   Recreation.   Affair of child.   Business payment.   Finance of institutions.  Investment.  –  from March, outcome July 2020.  


Home, family affairs.   Property.    Contract agreement.   Movement.    –  from March, outcome July 2020.  


Busyness with management of daily affairs.   Communications.   Association with relatives.    –  from March, outcome July 2020.


Private affair of finance.  Personal resources.   Change in status of position of child.    –  from March, outcome July 2020. 


Change in status of property ownership.    Planning of new direction.   Selfhood activity.    – from March, outcome July 2020.  


Management of client communications.   Work ending.    Employee contract.   Reflection.    – from March, outcome July 2020.    


Business funding.    Government resources.   Investment.   Movement of child.     – from March, outcome July 2020.    


Business direction.   Change in status of position.    Change in status of ownership.      – from March, outcome July 2020.    


Work ending.   Foreign affairs.   Education.     – from March, outcome July 2020.   


Finance of institutions,  investment,  payment.        – from March, outcome July 2020.    

To assist with the uncertainty of the times a predictive TimeMap has been designed at a flat rate of R3000, presenting personal foresights for the next three months. Predictions focus on business direction of the next three months, future outcomes of the events of March and of April 2020.

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 APRIL WEEK 6-12th

5th April 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS APRIL 2020


April 2020 shows the outcome of direction of January 2020.

Affairs of April 2020 sees outcome of new direction in July 2020.

Plans of April 2020 see outcome of movement July 2020.

Venus begins her transit through the constellation of Gemini April 4-August 7 2020.   

Wealth.   Change of status in ownership.  Aesthetics,  social at home.   Constraints of action.   Scarcity.   Potential conflict.    Constraints for women of authority.   Hidden communications.   Suppression of work, movement.  Activities of the week stem from direction of January, March for outcome July 2020.    


Monday 6th APRIL 2020

Busyness with daily affairs.   Communications,  organising,  planning,  meeting.    Plans for outcome June 2020.    Mortality.  Wealth.   Social constraints.   Suppression of movement, finance.   Increase of Riches.

Tuesday 7

Home affairs.   Property affairs.   –  for outcome July 2020.

Wealth.  Movement.  Constraints.   Potential scarcity.  Potential conflict.  – of March for outcome July 2020.

7-19th April  wealth.

Wednesday 8

Affairs of home.   Property.    – for outcome July 2020.

Global no-action days 8th -10th.    Communications, news, plans may be untrue.   Material things are faulty.   

Full Moon 8th.   Fruition of projects of New Moon of 24th March.   A time of fulfilment of plans, hidden things of the past New Moon are revealed.  

Moon with Spica, success, advancement. 

Full Moon 8th April.

Thursday 9

Recreation.   Creative endeavours.   Investment.     – for outcome May, August, November 2020

Communications, news, plans may be untrue.   Material things are faulty.   

Resources of property, investments,  wealth.   Social constraints.       

April  9-19   Saturn Venus    social constraints.   Status of property ownership.     

Friday 10

Recreation.   Creative endeavours.   Investment.   Children.     – for outcome May, August, November 2020.  

Communications, news, plans may be untrue.   Material things are faulty.   

News, plans made during this time will likely be untrue and not happen.   

Resources of property, investments,  social affairs, affairs related to speculations.     Social constraints.  

Wealth.  Movement.  Constraints.  

Saturday 11

Affairs of February.   Health matters.   Employee status of appointment.    – for outcome June 2020.

Focus on work and affairs of employees from contracts of March.   Social constraints. 

Moon with Antares, fatality, destruction, riches of short duration.

Wealth.  Movement.  Constraints.  

April 11-14th    Sun Mars  military, potential disruption.    Private affair of finance.    Government direction.   Investment, resources of property.      – outcome July 2020.

Sunday 12th March

Affairs of February.    Health matters.   Employee status of appointment.    – for outcome June 2020.

Affairs of March.   Social constraints. 

Wealth.  Movement.  Constraints.  

This is a global energy. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES    Focus on Home, family affairs.   Property.    Contract, agreement.   Movement.    Outcome of July 2020.  

TAURUS    Busyness with management of daily affairs, work affair.     Work affair, deadlines.   Work premises.   Employee.   Health.    Outcome of July 2020.  

GEMINI     Private affair of finance.  Personal resources.     Resources of property.   Recreation.  Affair of child.  – Outcome July 2020.  

CANCER    Status of property ownership.   Planning of new direction.  Home, family.  Property.   Selfhood activity.  – Outcome of July 2020.  

LEO     Management of client communications.   Work ending.   Employee contract.   Reflection.   Busyness with management of daily work affair.   – Outcome July 2020.  

VIRGO     Business funding.  Government resources.   Investment.  Private affair of finance, personal resources.  – Outcome July 2020. 

LIBRA     Business direction.   Change in status of position.    Change in status of property.   Client premises.  Selfhood activity.   – Outcome July 2020.  

SCORPIO    Work ending.  Foreign affairs.   Education.   Management of work.  Employee contract.  Reflection.   –  Outcome July 2020.  

SAGITTARIUS    Shared resources, payment.  Investment.   Business funding.   Government resources.   –  Outcome July 2020.  

CAPRICORN   Movement.  Contract, sale.   Legal affair.   Business direction.    Change in status of position.  Status of ownership.   – Outcome July 2020.  

AQUARIUS    Work changes, deadlines.   Work premises.  Employee.  Affair of health.  Work ending.  Foreign affair.   Education.  – Outcome July 2020.  

PISCES    resources of property.  Business payment.  Recreation.  Affair of child.  Shared resources, payment.   Investment.  –  Outcome July 2020.  

Sagacious Prescription of Time

dinastro APRIL 2020

1st April 2020


April 2020 shows the outcome of direction of January 2020.

Affairs of April 2020 sees outcome of new direction in July 2020.

Plans of April 2020 see outcome of movement July 2020.

Venus begins her transit through the constellation of Gemini April 4-August 7 2020.   

Mercury 12H April 3rd– 19th movement, communication, work, exchange subdued.   

Mercury Venus Communication via technology.  Finance for transport,   Resources related to transport.  

Mercury 11H 20 April-May   finance with investment of business.   Finance of government,   Resources of government.

April 1-12th planetary highlights:    

Sun    Focus on government directive.   

Moon Pluto    Mortality.   Wealth. 

Mercury   Work delays of February, see outcome June 2020.    Work communications, movement, suppressed.  

Mercury Neptune   Communications, news unrevealed. 

Venus   Harmony in the home.    

Mars  Saturn  constraints,  security,  locks.    Potential disruption, conflict.   Break of systems of structure.   Constraints, Scarcity of April 2020 sees outcome 2021.

Saturn Ceres   constraints, danger to older women.   

Jupiter in 12H    Suppression of work.   Suppression of travel.  Suppression of gain.  Hidden stores. 

April 13-19th

Sun    focus on private resources, finance, possessions.   – outcome July 2020.

Moon  Pluto Jupiter   Wealth,  mortality,  gain,  storage.   – outcome July 2020.

Saturn  Venus   constraints in social affairs.    –  outcome August 2020.  

Mercury 12 H  suppression of work, movement, communications.   – outcome May 2020.

Mars  military restrains.  – outcome July. 

Key Dates

March 24-6 April  Mars Pluto  mortality, wealth.    Venus Uranus social separation, remoteness.  

April  3-4, 7-12 , 13-19   Moon Pluto 7 H   wealth.

April  9-19   Saturn Venus    social separation.

April  20-22  

April 11-14   Sun Mars  military, potential conflict.  

April  20-22  May  Moon Uranus  cutting of ties of the norm, movement.  Social detachment. 

Full Moon 8th.     New Moon 23rd April 2020.  

This is a global energy. 


for those of us born with Ascending Sign, Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES    Property, home and family affairs;  contract of client.  – for April 2020.   Movement,  agreement,  client status of commitment.  – for July 2020.     

TAURUS    Busyness with daily management affairs, communications, status of appointment of employment and of employee of April 2020.    Change in work, deadlines, premises, employee, health regime for outcome July 2020.  

GEMINI     Focus on finances, material resources, of April.    Child, affairs of child for outcome July 2020.

CANCER    new direction,  selfhood activity,  status of property ownership,  business premises of April.    Property, home and family affairs, agreement.   – for outcome July 2020

LEO     change of employee contract, work endings, hidden things of April.    Busyness with daily management affairs,  communications,  status of appointment of employment and of employee for outcome July 2020

VIRGO    group meeting, funding of business,  affair of child of April.   Finances, material resources, for outcome July 2020.

LIBRA      business direction, status of ownership, status of position of April.   New direction,  selfhood activity,  status of property ownership,  business premises for outcome July 2020.

SCORPIO    work ending, foreign affair, education of April.   Change of employee contract, work ending, hidden things for outcome July 2020.

SAGITTARIUS     shared resources, investments, loans, payments of April.    Group meeting,  client resources,  funding of business,  affair of child for outcome July 2020.  

CAPRICORN    contract, or break of, legal affair, property affair, movement of April.    Business direction, status of ownership, status of position for outcome July 2020. 

AQUARIUS    Change in work, deadlines, premises, employee, health of April.   Work ending, foreign affair, education for outcome July 2020.

PISCES    Business investment, resources of property, creative venture, affairs of child of April.  Shared resources, investment, loan, payments for outcome July 2020.  

2020 WK 30 MARCH-5 APRIL

29th March 2020



Events of Week of 30th March see outcome July 2020.

Focus on private resources, finances, possessions.  

Selfhood activity.  

Moon in Ascendant, focus on physical body, conditions are transitory.

Mortality.  Wealth.   Potential conflict.

Constraints for older women.

Communications, work, movement suppressed.

Hidden things.  Inspiration.  Turbulence.

Social separation.  

April plans, movement for July 2020.

Mars with Saturn, constraints, security, locks of April highlight potential scarcity for 2021.      The marring of long-established structures, enterprises. 

June:  Mars Neptune the marring of the riches of March.   Potential conflict resulting from event of March.

Key date of the week:   March 31-2nd April 2020.   

This is a global energy.

Monday 30th March 2020

Hidden things.    Repression of activity, for outcome June 2020.   Continuation of affair of mortality,  potential conflict in movement, wealth,  food  of March 2020.

Tuesday 31st March

Potential conflict.  Wealth.   Disruption of wealth.  Marring of wealth.   Increase of riches.   Constraints of movement.   Constraint of finance.   Constraints of communication.   Material gain.    New direction for July 2020.  

Wednesday 1st April

Social estrangement.   Marring of wealth.   Potential conflict.   Mortality.   Movement.   Increase of riches.    Hidden things, foreign affairs.  Constraint of  movement.   Constraint of finance.   Constraints of communication.   Plans of movement for July 2020.     First quarter Moon.

Thursday 2

Social estrangement.   Marring of wealth.   Potential conflict.   Mortality.   Movement.   Increase of riches.    Hidden things, foreign affairs.  Constraint of  movement.   Constraint of finance.   Constraints of communication.   Focus on inception of new projects for July.    Moon with Pollux, potential danger from thieves.

Friday 3

Focus on finances, possessions,  material resources,  monetary value fluctuation,  banks,  material security.    Hidden daily affairs.   Subdued communications, movement, work.   Military.   Potential conflict of authority.   Wealth.   Social constraints.   Increase of riches.   Personal material resources for August.    Outcome of wealth of March.    Moon with Venus, view at sunset. 

Saturday 4

Continuation of affairs of January, March.   Wealth.   Focus on meetings, social constraints.    Moon with Antares, destruction, fatality, wealth of short duration.    Shared resources, investment, children.

Focus on private finances, possessions, material resources, monetary value fluctuation, banks, material security,  wealth,   for outcome August.    Moon with Regulus, favourable for women;  falsity of friends, power and wealth benefits do not last 

Sunday 5th

Work, communications, movement subdued.   Private resources, possessions, finances.

Focus on daily work routines, communications, planning, organising, accounts, communications, news, technology.  

Marring of wealth.   Potential conflict.   Social constraints.   Increase of riches.   Plans for June.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  focus on new direction, selfhood activities,  status of property appointment for July 2020.

TAURUS     Management of client communications.  Work ending.   Employee contract.  Reflection.    – for July 2020

GEMINI     business funding.  Government resources.   Investment.   – for July 2020

CANCER    business direction.   Change in status of position, placement.     – for July 2020

LEO      work changes.  Foreign affairs.   Education.    – for July 2020

VIRGO      shared resources, payment, investment for July 2020

LIBRA      movement, contract, sale, legal affair, for July 2020

SCORPIO     work affair, deadlines, work premises, employee,  health   for July 2020

SAGITTARIUS     resources of property,  business payment, recreation, affair of child for July 2020

CAPRICORN       property, house, home, family affair for July 2020

AQUARIUS     busyness with organizing, management of daily affairs, work affair for July 2020

PISCES    private resources, material possessions, finances for July 2020.  

Global foresights are calculated with the monthly planetary cycles.   Global provide a view to the prevailing world activities, the platform of operation of those with whom you associate with.  Assessible energy of everyone.

Predictive Foresights unfold the cycles of daily life to help influence the flow of activities to your personal benefit.

The day of a thing’s beginning holds the qualities of that moment of time of its beginning. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 MARCH WEEK 23-29TH

22nd March 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 MARCH WEEK OF 23-29th


The month of April has commenced March 20th

Events of March see outcome June 2020.

The week of 23rd March marks the outcome of plans of January.

The week of 23rd March indicates the activities of April 2020.

Events of the week of 23rd March see action April and outcome July 2020.

Focus on wealth, gain.

Disruption in movement.

News potentially misleading.  Hidden things.

Communications deceptive. 

Health affairs with finances. 

Wealth linked to travel.

Endings.  Mortality. 

This is a global energy.

Monday 23rd March 2020

Dark moon, hidden intentions.  Communications, news are misleading.   Potential disruption, conflict.  Wealth. 

Favourable to conceal things.  Hidden things.  Riches.  Conflict, mortality. 

Business direction of March, outcome in June 2020.  

Focus on foreign affairs, education, legal matters.   

Tuesday 24

Material gain.  Finance.  Work deadlines.   International affairs.   Health affairs. 

Outcome of plan of January 2020.  Outcome of affair of week of 24th February.     

New Moon 24 – 29th:   shows activities of April.   Preparation of new direction of April for movement July.   Moon at apogee, its furthest point to Earth for the period 2011-2020.   Jupiter, Mars, Saturn in a line.   Conflict, mortality, wealth.   Venus brilliant in the evening twilight.   Sudden group expeditions.  Battlefield.  Hidden things.

Wednesday 25

Business direction.  Government direction.  National credibility.  

Outcome of plan of January 2020.  Outcome of affair of week of 24th February.     

Plan for April.   Favourable for requests to those in authority, ambassadors, truth.    Focus on business proposal, status of appointment.   Potential conflict, wealth.  – continuation from Tuesday 24th.   

Thursday 26

Business direction.  Government direction, regulations.  National credibility.  

Wealth increase.  Foreign affairs.    Hidden affliction.   Potential conflict, mortality. 

Friday 27

Unexpected break from status quo.   News and communications are true, material things are true.     Focus on group movement,  meetings, investments,  international associations,  business fundiing,  business resources,  resources of government.   Potential conflict, mortality.   Wealth.   Establishment of arena of battle.  Activities here see outcome May 2020.

Saturday 28

Focus on group affairs,  social affairs,  home activities.    Pleasure, aesthetics, meetings, relationships, social arrangements. 

Focus on value of property, investments, social affairs, affairs related to speculations.   Communications are true.   Potential conflict, mortality.  Wealth.  Establishment of arena of battle.  Moon with Venus.  Sudden group expeditions.  Activities here see outcome May 2020.

Sunday 29th March

Focus on endings, hidden things.      Moon with Aldebaran, power and wealth through others are short lived.   Clarity.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES    Contractual agreement, legal affair, movement, wealth, outcome of January.    Plans of new direction for April 2020.           

TAURUS    work ending, legal affair, foreign affair for new direction of April 2020.   Work deadline, status of employment, health regime, outcome from January 2020. 

GEMINI     payment, investment for April 2020.   Payment, resources of property, social event, affairs of child, outcome from January 2020

CANCER     contract, agreement, legal affair, movement, plan for April 2020.    Commitment of business direction, home, family affair, outcome of January 2020.   An ending. 

LEO    busyness, organizing, communications, outcome of January 2020.   Employee engagement, work premises, plan for April 2020.

VIRGO    financial affair, outcome of January 2020.  Assistant, outcome of January 2020.   Investment,  creative project,  resource of property,  social event,  affairs of child plan for April 2020.  

LIBRA      new direction, property appointment,  selfhood activity, outcome of January 2020.    Commitment of business client, property, home and family affair, plan for April 2020.   An ending. 

SCORPIO     work ending, employee contract., outcome from January 2020.  Restraints.   Management of daily affairs,  communications, employee engagement, plan for April 2020.

SAGITTARIUS    meeting, business funding, outcome from January 2020.   Movement of child from January 2020.   Finance, material resources for plan of April 2020.   Assistant for April 2020.    

CAPRICORN    business engagement.  Change of status of position, outcome from January 2020   New direction, change of property use, movement,  plan for April 2020.    

AQUARIUS   work ending, legal affair, foreign affair, outcome from January 2020.  Restraints.  Work ending, employee contract plan for April 2020.    

PISCES    Client meeting, business funding, plan for April 2020.   Payment, investment, outcome of agreement of January 2020.

Movement of child for April 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 MARCH WEEK 16-22

15th March 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 MARCH WEEK OF 16-22nd  


Ending of aims of February 2019.

Hidden things of March see outcome June 2020.

Disruption in movement. Restraints.

Misleading news.  Hidden things.

Deceptive communications.

Health affairs linked to finances. 

Wealth linked to travel. Restraints.

March is outcome of plans of January 2020.

This is a global energy.

Monday 16th March 2020

Outcome of finance of February 2020.  News, communication, work routine.  Potential conflict.  Third quarter Moon. 

16th March-6 April 2020   Saturn enters the constellation of Aquarius.  View celestial phenomena such as meteor showers, particularly near the time of the New Moon.   The energy of this time commences 2021. 

Tuesday 17

Investment, finance of business of January 2020.  Potential for material loss.  Plans, news, material things are faulty.

Wednesday 18

Potential disruption, unfavourable for commitment.   Health affair linked to finance.   Wealth linked to travel. 

Outcome of business project of January 2020.   Constraint through regulation, outcome seen in July 2020.

Potential disruptions, conflict.   Unfavourable for commitments. 

Continuation of the week of 9th March.  View Moon with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. 

Thursday 19

Foreign travel.   Legal matters.   Achievement of aim.   

Friday 20

Foreign travel.   Legal matters.   Achievement of aim.   

Favourable for older women of authority. 

View Jupiter with Mars and Saturn.   Potential conflict.  Wealth.  Hidden things.  – outcome April.  Riches.  

Vernal equinox, the start of April 2020.   The indicator of  the July-December 2020 period.

Saturday 21

Continuation of business task of February for outcome of finance for April 2020.

Moon with Mercury.   Hidden things, concealment of news.  Riches.   Achievement of aim of February 2020.  Plans for April.

Sunday 22nd March

Dark moon, hidden intentions.  Riches.  Communications, news are misleading.  Outcome of business investment of January 2020.  Potential disruption, conflict.  Wealth. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  agreement, legal affair, movement, outcome of January 2020. 

TAURUS    work affairs, deadlines, health regime, employment position outcome of January 2020.

GEMINI     finance, payment, property resources, social event, affair of child outcome of January 2020.

CANCER   business commitment, property, family affair, outcome of January 2020.  An ending. 

LEO    busyness with communications, outcome of January 2020.   Employee engagement, outcome of January 2020.

VIRGO     financial affair, outcome of January 2020.  Assistant, outcome of January 2020.  

LIBRA     new direction, change of property, movement    –  outcome of January 2020

SCORPIO   work ending outcome from January 2020.  Restraints.   Routine.  

SAGITTARIUS    group meetings, business funding, outcome from January 2020.

CAPRICORN   business engagement.  Change of position, outcome from January 2020.

AQUARIUS   work ending, business target, legal affair, foreign affair,  outcome from January 2020.

PISCES     payment, investment,  outcome from January 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 MARCH WEEK 9-15TH

8th March 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 MARCH WEEK OF 9-15th


Week of Full Moon.  Fulfillment of efforts of week of 24th February 2020.

Mercury resumes Direct motion 9th March.

Resolving of finance, work affair of the 17th February 2020.  Work targets move forward.

Increase of riches.  Wealth – outcome of appointment of January 2020.

Focus on agreement, contract with authority, for outcome June 2020. 

Plans of movement, trip for week of 23rd April, month of May 2020.

Focus on property, home and family affairs.
Ending of aims of 2019. 

Key date for the week of 9th March is the 9 and 15th March 2020.  A time favouring endings.

This is a global energy.

Monday 9th March 2020

Endings.  Full Moon, fulfilment of contractual arrangement of December.   Finance and property affair.  Plan of movement, trip of the week of 23rd April 2020.  Mercury resumes direct motion.  Work targets advance forward. 

Tuesday 10

Action to new direction of June.   Fulfilment of plans, action of decisions, hidden things of the week of 23rd February are revealed.   Work targets of February advance.    Plans of cutting ties, movement for week of 23rd April 2020.

Wednesday 11

Continuation of 10th cutting of ties, movement, ending.   Unexpected appointment.  Work endings.  Riches through contracts.  Plans for April 2020.  Moon with Spica success, achievement. 

Thursday 12

Global no-action days.  Plans, news prove faulty.   Continuation of affairs of January.   Wealth.  Work target.  Shared resources, investment, children.

Friday 13

Global no-action, news, plans are faulty.   Continuation of affairs of January, wealth.  Investments.   Potential  work routine disruption. 

Shared resources, investment, children.

Saturday 14

Continuation of affairs of January, wealth.  Focus on meetings, social.  Moon with Antares, destruction, fatality, wealth of short duration.   

Shared resources, investment, children.

Sunday 15th March

Favourable for meetings, relationships, movement, social affair, celebration.   Continuation of affairs of January, wealth.   Shared resources, investment, children.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES   management of daily work affairs, communications, for June 2020.   Employee appointment for June 2020. 

TAURUS   financial affairs for June 2020.  Affairs of assistant for June 2020.   

GEMINI    new direction, change of property, movement  for June 2020.

CANCER   focus on work ending.   Affairs of health.

LEO    group meetings, business funding for June 2020.

VIRGO     business engagement, appointment of client.  Change of position, placement, ownership for June 2020.

LIBRA     work ending, business target, legal affair, foreign affair for June 2020.

SCORPIO   shared resources, payments, investment for June 2020.

SAGITTARIUS    contract, agreement, legal affair, movement  for June 2020.

CAPRICORN   work affairs, deadlines, health regime, employment position for June 2020.

AQUARIUS   client payment, property finance, social event, affairs of child for June 2020.

PISCES    client commitment, property, family affair for June 2020.  An ending. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time