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1st March 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 MARCH WEEK OF 1-8th


Plans of new direction for June 2020.

Success, riches through change of position, status of ownership, business direction of March for June 2020.

Sudden move, work endings, hidden things for outcome May 2020.

Finances, material resources for outcome May 2020. 

Key dates of the week of 1st March is the 2-3rd March.   Focus on inception of new direction, change in business premises for June 2020.    Continuation of business direction, shared finances, payments, investments from January 2020.   

Mercury Retrograde Phase February 16th-March 9th:   continuation of delays of work targets from February see outcome week of 30th March 2020.   

This is a global energy.   

Sunday 1st March 2020

Endings.  Planning.  Hidden things.   Communications, events, purchases are true.

Monday 2nd March 2020

Endings.  Planning.  Hidden things.   Communications are true.  Busyness in daily affairs, focus for new direction for June.  Moon with Aldebaran, power and wealth through others are not lasting.   First quarter Moon, action to produce results, analysis, organizing, preparing for week of 16th March.

Tuesday 3

Endings.  Planning.  Hidden things.   Communications are true.  Planning for new direction for June.  Favourable for meetings, agreements.

Wednesday 4

Focus on gain of finances, material resources.   Events, communications are true. 

Thursday 5

focus on finances, possessions, material things.   News and communications are true.  Moon with Pollux, potential danger from thief.  Plans for July 2020. 

Friday 6

Focus on work affairs, organizing.  Continuation of 1st March endings, planning, movement for May for August 2020.   Property affairs of February.   

Saturday 7

Focus on work affairs, organizing.  Continuation of 1st March endings, planning, movement for May for August 2020.   Property affairs of February.   

Unexpected decision, cutting of ties, movement for May 2020.  Riches.

Sunday 8th March 

Focus on property, home, family affairs.   Hidden things.  Endings.  Plans for June 2020.   Moon with Regulus, favourable for women;  falsity of friends;  power and wealth benefits do not last.   

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Ascending Sign, Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  focus on work ending, employee contract for June 2020.  Business funding, association with counsellor, affairs of child for May 2020.    

TAURUS   Group meetings, business funding, client resources for June 2020.   Change of ownership, business appointment for May 2020.

GEMINI   Change of status of ownership, business direction for June 2020.  Client work ending, foreign affairs, education matters for May 2020.

CANCER    work targets, foreign affairs, education for June 2020.   Shared finances, investments, payments for May 2020.

LEO     Shared finances, investments, payments for June 2020.   Contract, agreement, legal affairs, movement for May 2020. 

VIRGO    Contract, agreement, legal affairs, movement for June 2020.     Work deadlines, employee affair, health regime for May 2020.

LIBRA     Work changes, deadlines, health regime for June 2020.   Client payment, resources of property, social events, affairs of child for May 2020.

SCORPIO    Payment of client, resources of property, social activities, affairs of child for June 2020.    Client contract, property, home, family affair for May 2020.

SAGITTARIUS    Client contract, property, home, family affair for June 2020.   Management of daily affairs, communications, status of employment for May 2020.

CAPRICORN   Management of daily affairs, communications, status of employment for June 2020.   Financial affairs for May 2020.

AQUARIUS   Finances, possessions for June 2020.  Change in status of property appointment, new direction, move for May 2020. 

PISCES    Change in status of property appointment, new direction, move for June 2020.   Work employee ending, hidden things, planning for May 2020. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

dinastro MARCH 2020

1st March 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS MARCH 2020

MARCH 2020 is continuation of January 2020.   Affairs of March 2020 indicate movement of the year 2020 with outcome October 2020.    March 2020 sees outcome of business direction, move of January 2020.   Plans of change in direction, move of March 2020 sees outcome June 2020.


March 2020 highlights shared finances, resources of partnership, investments, payments.  – from January 2020

March 2020 success in change of business appointment, status of ownership, movement.  – outcome June 2020

March 2020 features busyness with management of daily work affairs, deadlines, funding of business, investments. – outcome July 2020

March 2020 features gain of financial affairs, work endings, unexpected cutting of ties, move, planning. – outcome May 2020

Work affairs of March sees outcome of move May 2020.

New direction of March sees outcome of move September 2020. 


for those of us born with Ascending Sign, Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  focus on contractual agreements, or breaks of, legal affairs, move from January for outcome July 2020 

TAURUS   work changes, deadlines, premises, employees, health regime from January for outcome July 2020

GEMINI    focus on business investment, creative venture, social events, affairs of child from January for outcome July 2020

CANCER   Property affair, home and family affairs from January for outcome July 2020

LEO    Busyness with daily management affairs, communications, status of appointment of employment from January for outcome July 2020

VIRGO   assistance of finances, material resources from January for outcome July 2020

LIBRA     new direction, move, client’s dispute, change in status of property ownership, business premises from January for outcome July 2020

SCORPIO    change of employee contracts, work endings, hidden things from January for outcome July 2020

SAGITTARIUS   group activities, funding of business, association with counsellor, move of child from January for outcome July 2020

CAPRICORN   change of business direction, status of ownership, change of position from January for outcome July 2020

AQUARIUS   work changes, work targets, foreign affairs, education from January for outcome July 2020

PISCES    shared finances, investments, payments from January for outcome July 2020 for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 FEBRUARY WEEK 24-29

23rd February 2020

dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 FEBRUARY WEEK OF 24-29th


The week marks financial activities of March 2020. 

Plans of finances for March 2020.

Plans of business appointment for April 2020.

The week features shared finances, banking, investments, payments.   – from January. 

Focus on wealth.   – from January for March.

Gain, success, riches through contracts, agreements, change of status of ownership, client business appointment, of March 2020.

Constrains of the element of conflict, disruption.

Key dates of the week of 24th of February is the 28-29th February.   Focus on plans of management of client affairs, movement, hidden things, retreat, reflect, planning. 

Plans of movement, trip for 20 April-7 May 2020.  

Mercury Retrograde Phase highlights delays in work deadlines, increased work targets, gain of riches. 

Contract agreement, client appointment, work deadlines of week of 24th February see delays with outcome week of 23rd March.

This is a global energy.    

Monday 24 February 2020

New Moon 24-28th February.  Inception of new direction of March.   Delays in work affairs, agreements, client contract, change in status of appointment, finances, riches, continuation of January 2020.  Wealth, investments, shared finances, banking. 

Tuesday 25

Continuation of 24th:  focus on new direction for March,  delays in work affairs, client agreement, from January.  Wealth, investments, shared finances, banking.  Mercury in inferior conjunction.

Wednesday 26

Focus on meetings, group activities, business funding.   Delays in work affairs, agreements, client contract, change in status of appointment.  Finances, riches, continuation of January 2020.   Wealth, investments, shared finances, banking.  Constraints of potential disruption, conflict.  Hidden affairs regarding youth.  Events indicate action of April 2020.

Thursday 27

Continuation of 26th:  focus on meetings, group activities, business funding.  Delays in work affairs, agreements, client contract, change in status of appointment.  Finances, riches, continuation of January 2020.   Wealth, investments, shared finances, banking.  Constraints of potential disruption, conflict.  Hidden affairs regarding youth.  Events indicate action of April 2020.

Moon with Venus, focus on management of client affairs, client payments, hidden affairs of youth, social activities, wealth. 

Friday 28

Favourable for movement, cutting ties, breaks, trip.  Communications, plans, material things are true.    Focus on hidden things, plans for movement of April 20-May 2020.  A time of reflection.  Continuation of work delays of February.

Saturday 29

endings, hidden things, reflection.  Communications, plans, material things are true.  

Sunday 1st March  dinastro March Foresights 2020

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  focus on work client deadlines, employee change, foreign affairs, education for March 2020.   Contract, agreement, movement, trip from January for July 2020.

TAURUS   shared finances, investments, payments for March 2020.  Work deadlines, affairs of employee, health regime from January 2020

GEMINI    contract, agreement or break of.   Movement, trip of March 2020.   Payment of client, resources of property, social activities, affairs of child from January 2020. 

CANCER   Work changes, deadlines, health regime for March 2020.   Home and family affairs, property, client contract from January 2020.

LEO    Product development, client payment, resources of property, social activities, affairs of child for March 2020.  Busyness with management of daily affairs, communications, status of appointment of employee from January 2020.

VIRGO   Property, home and family affairs for March.   Finances and possessions from January 2020.    

LIBRA     Busyness with daily management affairs, communications, status of appointment of employment from January 2020.  New direction for March 2020.  Change of status of property ownership for March 2020.  Selfhood activities. 
Finances, possessions for March 2020.  Assistant for March 2020.   Ending of management of client work, contract of employee from January.  Hidden things.  Reflection, planning.  

SAGITTARIUS   New direction for March 2020.  Selfhood activities.  Change in status of property appointment, business premises for March 2020.   Meetings, group affairs, business funding, business resources from January 2020.   Movement of child from January 2020 for outcome July 2020.   

CAPRICORN   Ending of management of client work, contract of employee for March 2020.  Hidden things.  Reflection, planning for March 2020.  Change of status of position, business appointment, ownership from January for July 2020.   

AQUARIUS   Meetings, group affairs, business funding, business resources for March 2020.   Movement of child for March 2020.    Work targets, foreign affairs, education, client ending of January 2020.     

PISCES    change of position, business appointment, client association, ownership for March 2020.   Shared resources, payments, investments from contract of January 2020.

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 FEBRUARY WEEK 17-23

16th February 2020


dinastro FORESIGHTS 2020 FEBRUARY WEEK OF 17-23rd


The week marks the activities of April 2020. 

Ending of February 2020, plans for April 2020. 

Key dates of the week of 17th of February is the 22ndFebruary.   

Focus on change of status of position (position, move, ownership), finances, recreation, social for April 2020.  

Mercury Retrograde Phase highlights delays in arrangements, delays in work deadlines, increased work targets, gain of finances. 

Work affairs, financial affairs of week of 10th February see delays week of 17th February with outcome week of 30th March. 

Monday 17 

Endings of 2019.  Focus on investments, other’s resources, payments.  Favourable for finances, speculation, work targets.  News, communications, finances, work affairs, trips are delayed. 

February 17-29th   things do not turn out as intended.  Potential disputes, conflict, strife, material loss for March.  Forward advancement from 16th March 2020.

Tuesday 18

Material things tend to be flawed.   Communications are faulty.  Hidden things in contracts.  Riches through agreements.   Moon with Mars potential for conflict, strife, disruption for March from January 2020.    Wealth.

Wednesday 19

Material things tend to be flawed.  Communications are faulty.  Hidden things in contracts.   Riches through agreements.  Moon with Mars potential for conflict, strife, disruption for March from January 2020.    Movement, trip for March.  Wealth.

Work deadlines do not materialise.  Finances linked to property, movement, investments.   Gain through agreements, proposals.  Moon with Jupiter, gain of investments, payments, funding.   Recreational activities. 

Thursday 20

Material things tend to be flawed.  Communications are faulty.  Hidden things in contracts.  Riches through agreements.  Moon with Mars potential for conflict, strife, disruption for March.   Movement, trip for March.   Wealth.   Work deadlines do not turn out as planned.   Focus on wealth,  work targets,  education affairs,  foreign affairs.  Moon with Saturn, delays, constraints, security systems, work targets,  investments,  wealth.

Friday 21

Continuation of the week:  Material things tend to be flawed.  Communications are faulty.  Hidden things in contracts.  Riches through agreements.  Moon with Mars potential for conflict, strife, disruption for March.    Wealth.

Dark moon,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things.    Work targets of February,  endings.  Financial affairs, investments for March 2020.   Movement, trip for March.  Wealth.

Saturday 22

Material things tend to be flawed.  Communications are faulty.  Hidden things in contracts.  Riches through relationships, contracts, agreements.  Moon with Mars potential for conflict, strife, disruption for March.    Wealth.   – continuation from January 2020.  Focus on work targets, social activities. 

Sunday 23

Dark moon,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things.    Focus on social activities, favourable for woman, aesthetics.  Change in status, movement, ownership.     Affairs of wealth. 

Focus on social activities.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES   work targets, foreign affairs for March 2020.  Agreements, movement, trip for March, June 2020.   Change of relocation of 2019.

TAURUS    shared finances, payments, investments for March 2020.    Work changes, deadlines for March 2020.  Health regime of March 2020.  

GEMINI    contract, agreement.  Dispute.   Movement, trip.  Relocation of March.  Resources of property.  Social activities.   Affairs of child for March. 

CANCER    Work changes, deadlines for March, June 2020.  Client agreement.   Home and family affairs.   Property.  Health regime.  

LEO   Busyness in daily management for March 2020.  Resources of property.  Social activities, affairs of child for March.

VIRGO    finances, possessions for March 2020.  Monetary fluctuation.  Client agreement for March 2020.   Home and family affairs.   Property. 

LIBRA    New direction for March 2020.  Selfhood activities.  Change in status of property appointment for March.   Busyness with daily management affairs, communications.

SCORPIO     Ending of work deadlines, employees, work endings.  Hidden things.  Employees.  Health regime.   Finances, possessions for March 2020.  Monetary fluctuation.
SAGITTARIUS    Group activities, meetings.   Funding of status of direction, movement of child for outcome March2020.   Social affairs.    New direction for March 2020.  Selfhood activities.  Change in status of property appointment for June.

 CAPRICORN    change of status of position, business appointment, movement for March 2020.    Work endings, hidden things.  Staff changes.   Management of client affairs for March 2020.   Work endings.  Planning for March 2020

AQUARIUS    Work targets, foreign affairs, education, endings of January 202.   Plans for March 2020.

PISCES    change of status of position, business appointment, movement for March 2020.   Shared resources, payments, investments. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time

2020 FEBRUARY WEEK 10-16

9th February 2020



The week marks the ending of 2019. 

Planning of activities for May 2020. 

Key dates of the week of 10 of February is the 14-15th February.   

Change in status of property affairs, plan of commitment of movement May 2020.  

MONDAY 10th   Busyness in daily work routines,  accounts, communications.  Focus on property value.  Business investments.   Monetary value.   View after sunset Venus with Mercury.   Favourable for work affairs, accounts, assistants.   

TUESDAY 11th    Busyness in daily work routines.   Focus on property value.  Foreign affairs.   Business investments.   Monetary value.   – continuation of activities of the 10th.   Affairs of children.  Favourable for evening social events. 

WEDNESDAY 12th   Busyness in work premises, with work affairs, deadlines.   Work routines.  Health regime.   Continuation of work targets of January for outcome of outcome March 2020.

THURSDAY 13th     Busyness in work premises, with work affairs, deadlines.   Work routines.  Health regime.   Continuation of work targets of January for outcome March 2020.    – continuation of the 12th February.   Establishing foundation for events of April 2020.  Moon with Spica success, achievement.   Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in predawn sky.   The Moon begins her run past them on the 18th.  Favourable for movement, status of appointment, investments.    Material things, communications, plans do not manifest as intended. 

FRIDAY 14st    Ending of 2019.    Favourable for relationships, partnerships, movement.   Focus on plans for May 2020.    Material things, communications, plans do not manifest as intended. 

SATURDAY 15th     Ending of 2019.    Favourable for relationships, partnerships, movement.  Property matters.  Status of ownership.    Focus on contracts, commitment of movement, plans for May 2020.    Material things, communications, plans do not manifest as intended.    Last Quarter Moon.   

SUNDAY 16th    Ending of 2019.    Focus on association with others, relationships, social affairs.   Investments.   Mercury commences his retrograde phase, delays in plans, communications, finances, work affairs, travel, technology.   Moon with Antares, destruction, fatality, wealth of short duration.

Mercury retrograde phase 16 February-9 March 2020 global delays in outcome of plans, excessive busyness, changes in status of direction.  This energy commences February 2020 and sees outcome March 2021. 

Note:  Activities of the week of 10 February peak 14-15th February. Endings of 2019.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES   Ending of work deadlines, health regime.  Client payment.  Property resources, social recreation, affairs of child for May. 

TAURUS   Client contract for May, client payment.  Home and family affairs for May.  Resources of property.  Social affairs, children.
GEMINI    Busyness in daily management for May 2020.  Client contract ending of 2019.   Home and family affairs.   Property. 
CANCER    finances, possessions for May 2020.  Monetary fluctuation.  Busyness with daily management.
LEO    New direction for May 2020.  Selfhood activities.  Change in status of property appointment for May.   Finances.  Monetary fluctuation.      

VIRGO   Management of client affairs for May 2020.   Work endings.  Planning for May 2020.  New direction from 2019.  Selfhood activities.  Status of property ownership, endings of 2019. 

LIBRA   meetings, group activities, funding of status of direction, movement of child for outcome May 2020.   Work endings of 2019. 

SCORPIO   change of status of position, business appointment, movement for May 2020.   Ending of business finances of 2019. 

SAGITTARIUS   work targets, foreign affairs for May 2020.   Change in status of direction of 2019. 

CAPRICORN     shared finances, investments for May 2020.  Work targets, foreign affairs, endings of 2019.
AQUARIUS   Agreements, movement, trip for May 2020.  Investment, ending of 2019.
PISCES   work changes, deadlines for May 2020.  Health regime.   Agreements, movement, relocation of 2019. for your 2020 personal TimeMap

Sagacious Prescription of Time


2nd February 2020



The week marks the ending of 2019. 

Planning of activities for August 2020. 

Key dates of the week of 3rd of February is the 8-9th February.    Home, family affairs, property affairs, planning for changes of August 2020.  

MONDAY 3rd   continuation of work targets of January.  Focus on finances, material resources, payments, investments. 

TUESDAY 4th   Continuation of work targets of January.   Moon with Aldebaran.

WEDNESDAY 5th   Continuation of work targets of January.   Planning for venture of April-August.     Hidden movement.  Hidden theft, riches. 

THURSDAY 6th    return to daily routine affairs, favourable for communications, planning.   Favourable for material gain,  commencing new projects. 

FRIDAY 7st    continuation of daily routine affairs, communications, plans of the 6th.   Finances, possessions.   Moon with Pollux.   

SATURDAY 8th    Social events.   Home and family affairs.   Property.   Continuation of work targets of January.   Wealth.  Constraints, security.   

SUNDAY 9th   Home and family.  Property.  Continuation of work targets of January.  Wealth.   Constraints, security.  Full Moon with Regulus.   Plans for August 2020.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

Note:  Activities of the week of 3rd February peak 8-9th February. 

ARIES  personal finances, material possessions, resources. TAURUS   New direction.  Selfhood activities.  Status of property ownership.
GEMINI   Work endings.  Planning. Hidden things. CANCER   meetings, group activities, funding of status of direction, movement of child. LEO    change of status of position, business appointment, movement. VIRGO   work targets, work endings, foreign affairs. LIBRA   shared finances, investments, payments. SCORPIO   movement, trip, meetings, agreements, contracts. SAGITTARIUS    work changes, deadlines, health regime. CAPRICORN    property resources, social recreation, affairs of child. 
AQUARIUS   client contract, property affairs, home and family. PISCES    busyness in daily organising, meetings, employee status of appointment.

Sagacious Prescription of Time

dinastro FEBRUARY 2020

2nd February 2020


FEBRUARY 2020 marks the end of the year 2019.    February 2020 sees outcome of ventures and associations of December 2019.   February’s plans manifest April 2020.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS    February 2020 focus on work targets, communications, monetary fluctuations, funding of the business, funding of government, unexpected events, sudden moves, property.     February is a continuation of January 2020, wealth,  foreign affairs, travel, education.     Ventures of December 2019 see outcome February 2020.     Business direction of December 2019 sees contractual outcome in March 2020.   Business direction, business appointment, business affairs, government plans of February see outcome April 2020.     Property affairs of February 2020 see outcome August 2020.     Affairs of property of February see outcome August 2020.     Change of status of direction, status of ownership, move, status of position see outcome April 2020.      Hidden things, secret communications, opposition, conflict of February manifests April 2020.     February 16th Mercury retrograde phase, delays in work deadlines, increased busyness with business direction, movement,trip, change in status of position see outcome week of 30th March 2020. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS     For those of us with the those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation Sun in the constellation of:               ARIES February 2020 features payments, investments, other’s resources, status of new direction for April 2020; personal finances for August 2020,  work deadlines from December 2019.     TAURUS February 2020 features contracts, relationships, employee finances, move, trip for April 2020; strategy of direction, status of property ownership for August 2020;  affairs of child, social activities from December 2019;  work targets, employee/client ending, foreign affairs for April 2020.     For GEMINI February 2020 features work changes, deadlines, health for April 2020;  work endings, hidden things for August 2020;  home, property, family affairs from December 2019;  shared resources, investments, payments for April 2020.    CANCER affairs of child, recreation, social for April;  group activities, finances of the business for August 2020;  daily running affairs from 2019;  contract, movement, trip for April 2020.    LEO  home and family affairs, property for April 2020;  change in status of position, status of ownership for outcome August;  personal finances and possessions from 2019;   work changes, deadlines, employees, health for April 2020.     VIRGO  management of daily affairs for April;  work targets, work ending, foreign affairs, education for August;  new direction, move, status of ownership from 2019;  affairs of child, recreation, resources of property for April 2020.   LIBRA  personal material finances for April;  payments, investments for August;  work endings, hidden things of 2019;  change in home, property for April 2020.     SCORPIO  new direction, status of property, movement for April;  securing agreements, move, trip for August;  business funding, funding of new direction from 2019;  management of daily affairs for April 2020.    SAGITTARIUS  work endings, hidden things for April;  work changes, deadlines, health for August 2020;  change in status of position, ownership, direction from 2019;   personal finances, possessions for April 2020.     CAPRICORN  funding of business, funding of change of status of position for April 2020;  affairs of child for August 2020;  affairs of social group, resources of property for August 2020;  work endings, work targets, work change from 2019;  new direction, status of property change, strategy of move for April 2020.   AQUARIUS  status of position, ownership, move, direction, relationship for April 2020;  changes in home and family, property affairs for August 2020;  shared resources, investments, rent, payments from 2019;  work endings, hidden things for April 2020.   PISCES  work targets, work changes, foreign affairs, education for April 2020;  management of daily affairs for August 2020;  contract, sale, move, trip from 2019;  business finances, funding of new direction, group activities, affairs of child for April 2020.     

KEY DATES FEBRUARY 2020:       2nd February unexpected breaks, movement, planning for May;  6th February favourable for material gain;  9th property affairs for August;  13-15th February material things faulty;  15th  plans for move, trip, contract of May;   16th  Mercury retrograde phase, delays;  18th plans do not materialise, loss;  week of 17th  endings of affairs of January, plans of March;  24th funding new direction, business finances, movement, trip, riches, hidden things for June;  New Moon 24th,  Full Moon 9th

There is a wheel which revolves this world    – Babylonian Talmud

Sagacious prescription of Time

2020 JAN WEEK OF 27-2 FEBR

26th January 2020



The week of 27th marks the beginning of February 2020. 

Planning of activities for April 2020.  Focus on new direction, plans of property appointment for May. 

Activities of the week highlight outcomes of affairs of August 2019.  

Key dates of the week of 27th January is the 2nd February.   

Work affairs, settlements, investments of January week of 27th see result in the week of 1st April.  

MONDAY 27th   focus on work routines, group meetings, government finances. 

TUESDAY 28th   continuation of affairs of January.  Payments, investments.  Favourable for women and association with.  Planning for March.  Focus on riches.   Hidden things, potential deception outcome March.   Moon with Venus and Mercury after sunset.  

WEDNESDAY 29th   Potential conflict for April.  Hidden things manifest April. 

THURSDAY 30th    fruition of 2019 December, payments, settlements.  Consolidation of work and financial affairs of January.   Focus on work endings, contracts of January, wealth, hidden things, plans for April. 

FRIDAY 31st   continuation of 30th.  Focus on payments, investments, meetings, work targets, appointment for April, wealth.   

SATURDAY 1st    unexpected events, favourable for cutting of ties, breaks, movement, trip.   Communications are true.

SUNDAY 2nd   Outcome of 2019.  Favourable for new direction.   Planning change of status of position for May.   Events today see outcome May 2020. Communications here are true, commitments of long-duration.   First Quarter Moon, preparation for Full Moon phase 9th February.   Mortality, wealth of March, April. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

Note:  Activities of the week of 27th January peak 1-2nd February. 

ARIES  group activities, meetings, business funding, movement of child.

TAURUS   change of status of position, business appointment, movement.
GEMINI   managing work targets, work endings, foreign affairs.
CANCER   shared finances, investments, payments.
LEO   movement, trip, meetings, agreements, contracts.

VIRGO   work routines, health regime.

LIBRA   property resources, social recreation, affairs of child.
SCORPIO   client contract, property affairs, home and family.
SAGITTARIUS    busyness in daily organising, meetings, employee status of appointment.
CAPRICORN    personal finances, material possessions, resources.
AQUARIUS   Planning.  Status of property ownership.  Selfhood activities, new direction.
PISCES   Work endings.  Reflection.

Sagacious Prediction of Time

2020 JANUARY WEEK 20-26

19th January 2020



The week marks the start of activities for February 2020.  Focus on shared finances, investments, payments.  Conflict. 

Activities of the week is a continuation of business affairs of December 2019.  

Business ending/deadline of January materializes March.   

Key dates of the week of 20th January are 25-26th.   

Action of January week of 20th see delays February with work ending in the week of 31st March.  

Moon with Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (not visible).  Focus on endings, hidden things, work constraints, financial restraints, delays.

MONDAY 20th   Disruption with work endings.  Unfavourable for men, conflict.  Moon with Mars, Antares in the East before dawn:  plans of conflict for March.  Hidden things.

TUESDAY 21st   Work targets, work affairs of December 2019.  Favourable for travel, foreign associations, legal matters, education.   Focus on outcomes of 2019 affairs.

WEDNESDAY 22nd   Moon with Jupiter, Rahu:  plans do not materialize.  Closure of affairs of 2019.  Dark Moon, favourable to conceal things.  Material things, plans, communications are faulty.

THURSDAY 23rd    Moon with Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto:  consolidation of wealth, work endings, hidden plans for March.  Dark Moon. 

FRIDAY 24th   Favourable for women of authority and association with.  Dark Moon. 

SATURDAY 25th   New Moon:  plans of new ventures for February. Disruption of wealth.  Moon with Mercury after sunset in the West.  Focus on payments, investments, funding.    Favourable for social activities.

SUNDAY 26th  Busy with plans of finances for February.  Favourable for social recreation.  Movement, trip. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES  shared resources, investments, payments.  TAURUS   meetings, movement, trip, contracts. GEMINI   work deadlines, health routines.
CANCER  social recreation, affairs of child.
LEO   home and family affairs, property.
VIRGO  busyness in daily running affairs.
LIBRA  personal finances and possessions.
SCORPIO   new direction.  Selfhood activities.
SAGITTARIUS    Endings.  Reflection.
CAPRICORN    meetings, business funding.
AQUARIUS   business appointment, new direction.
PISCES   work targets, meetings, organizing. 

2020 JANUARY WEEK 13-19

12th January 2020


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS The week marks the start of financial affairs, removals, contractual agreements and breaks of, for March.  Activities of the week is continuation of business affairs of December 2019.   Potential conflict of January materializes March.   Key dates of the week of 13th January are 16-17th.    Action of January week of 13th see result of conflict week of 1st April.   Sun with Ceres, Saturn and Pluto (not visible).  Focus on investments, business appointment, group meetings, wealth, gatherings.  Eventful week for mature women of authority.

MONDAY 13th   Business direction, status of business appointment, finances, movement, conflict, plans for March.   Moon with Regulus.  Sun, Saturn, Pluto conjunction:  finances, meetings, agreements and disputes, wealth, constraints, cold  TUESDAY 14-WEDNESDAY 15th  Work routines, deadlines, health regime     THURSDAY 16th   Meetings for finances, agreements and breaks of, dispute.  Outcome March-April.  Moon with Spica, Antares: conflict FRIDAY 17th  Continuation of affairs of December 2019.  17-19th: Unfavourable for material things.  Communications, plans, news are false. Moon with Mars.  Last quarter moon SATURDAY 18th   hidden decisions of direction.   Social events SUNDAY 19th  investments, funding, foreign affairs, hidden things. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES  work deadlines, health regime, home, family TAURUS  daily work management, affairs of children, social activities GEMINI   finances, possessions, home, family CANCER   new direction, daily affairs, property LEO  finances, possessions, endings, planning VIRGO  new direction, meetings, business funding, investments, child, property, social LIBRA  business direction, status of appointment, work ending, planning, social SCORPIO   meetings, foreign affairs, business finances, meetings, work targets, education, social affairs SAGITTARIUS   business direction, status of appointment, payments, investments, social  CAPRICORN   meetings, agreements, movement, trip, foreign affairs, education, work targets, social AQUARIUS  work deadlines, payments, investments, health regime, social PISCES   meetings, agreements, movement, trip, social, recreation, child.

Sagacious Prescription of Time

Dinastro 2020 FORESIGHTS