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2020 JANUARY WEEK 6-12

5th January 2020


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS Projects of the week of January 6th see action week of 16th March. Work affairs of business finances, resources, business funding, government taxes. Financial gain for women of authority. Movement, commitments, relationships for women of authority. Ventures of force do not manifest, plans for April 2020. Week of 6th is the peak of January 2020.

MONDAY 6th January financial assessment, banking, fluctuation in value of money; banks, commerce, trade.  Breaks from recent arrangements.  Communications are true.   Favourable for business direction, group affairs, wealth, women of authority.  Focus on finances and contractual arrangements. TUESDAY 7 daily routines, work busyness, news, communications, planning, organizing.  Unfavourable for men, investments, finances of contracts, movement WEDNESDAY 8 work routines, communications.    Focus in business funding, group meetings, contractual agreements. THURSDAY 9 hidden things, endings. Favourable for movement.   Unfavourable for foreign affairs, investments.  Potential material loss.  Favourable for home and family affairs, wealth for woman of authority FRIDAY 10 Favourable for material gain.  Unfavourable for affairs of children, recreation, property value, business investments, work routines, business appointment, client meetings, group affairs, deadlines, foreign affairs.  Focus on property; land; mines; agriculture; women; travel; medical procedures.  Communications here are true.  Material things are worthy.   Action to projects of April for July.  Endings of contractual affairs of October 2019. Full Moon 10-16th:   Fruition of projects of New Moon of 26th December.  Outcome of contractual agreements of October.  Favourable for property matters.  Projects of January manifest April 2020.  Favourable for material gain, movement, trip, communications are true, property affairs, land, contracts, meetings, relations. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on January 10 2020 7pm signifying wars, exorbitant taxations, death to women, unfortunate for mothers and older women of authority, destructions, sorrows, common people opposing authority.  Earthquakes generally follow on the heels of eclipses.  Visible over Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia SATURDAY 11 Social events, value of property, routines, status change of position, ownership.  Wealth for women of authority.   A time favouring endings SUNDAY 12 favourable for social events, affairs of children, recreation, speculation, divination, planning new direction, investments.   Work targets for January-February.  Potential for loss of material.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features plans for direction of April TAURUS work endings, reflection, employee contracts GEMINI meetings, business funding CANCER status of business designation, ownership, move LEO foreign affairs, work ending, meetings, education VIRGO investment, payments LIBRA contracts, agreement, opposition, movement SCORPIO work routines, employees, health SAGITTARIUS property resources, recreation, child, social CAPRICORN property, house, family, ending AQUARIUS busy with daily management, work premises, relative PISCES finances, possessions.

Sagacious Prescription of Time


5th January 2020


January-February 2020 marks the end of the year 2019. January-February 2020 manifests decisions of December 2019. January 2020 sees outcome of direction of October 2019. January’s plans manifest April 2020.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS: January highlights: home activities. Business appointment. Unexpected fluctuations in monetary value. Wealth. Women of authority linked to finances, material resources, work deadlines, health regime. Work affairs involves government resources, business funding. Hidden movement of force from December 2019 planning for action March-April 2020. Mortality.

KEY DATES: 10th Full Moon with Penumbral Lunar Eclipse visible in Asia, Africa, Europe Australia, signifying war, exorbitant taxation, death to women, destruction, sorrow. 17-21st Moon with Mars and Antares, favourable for conflict, moving armies. 22nd Moon with Jupiter and Moon Node, foreign affairs, hidden things, movement, conflict. 24th New Moon planning for action March-April. 25-28th Moon with Mercury and Venus, favourable for work routines, deadlines, employment, agreements, trips, recreation, accounts, finances, affairs of children.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES the focus January features legal outcome, new direction, planning for April 2020 TAURUS focus on endings, employee contracts, reflection GEMINI meetings, business funding CANCER change in status of business designation, ownership, move LEO foreign affairs, work endings, meetings, education VIRGO investments, settlement, payments LIBRA contracts, agreements, opposition, movement SCORPIO work deadlines, employees, health SAGITTARIUS property resources, recreation, social, affairs of child CAPRICORN property, house, family, ending AQUARIUS busy with daily management, work premises, relative PISCES finances, possessions. Preparation for April.

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of – Pascal

Sagacious Prescription of Time


1st January 2020

dinastro 2020 FORESIGHTS


2020 features a planetary stellium involving Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Saturn.  This highlights a focus on relationships, contracts, conflict, law suits, theft, relocation/migrations, increase of wealth, changes in status of authority figures, war, mortality. A year of effort.


2019 December Solar Eclipse with Jupiter, Cadua Draconis signifies loss/non-materialisation of expectations of gain, ‘rain’.

2020 January 12th  Saturn-Pluto conjunction in 22° Capricorn with Sun, Mercury, Ceres.  Jupiter with Cadua Draconis.    Saturn Pluto conjunction occurs approximately every 35 years, signifying conflict of the forces of power to retain control, a shift of power in the world, changes in custodianship of resources, tests of integrity, authority, capacity, resilience, changes in governance, constraints of wealth.  Events of January seen action April and July-December. Discord

2020 April Jupiter-Pluto conjunction recurring June, highlighting a rearrangement of wealth. Plans for July.

2020 June Solar Eclipse in Solstice with Jupiter-Pluto conjunction sextile Mars and Neptune. Gain of wealth.

2020 August-December Mars traversing Aries in direct, retrograde motion, square the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto.  October opposition, strife, conflict.

FAR SIGHTS: 2020 December Solstice Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius with Mars square Pluto.  Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs every 20 years.  This highlights a shift in the financial approach of world affairs, toward new solutions focusing on culture, advance of technology, communications, humanitarian ideals, groups, global relations, explorations, inventions, electricity, predictions.   A shift of traditional ways toward collaborative efforts.  The beginning of the new cycle of new direction commencing 2021.

2020 signifies endings of the past two years, since 2017, breakthrough into new cycle commencing 2021. 2021 focus in global communications, space exploration, civil rights, a return to calm. 


2020 January, February work routines, health regimes.  Wealth restraints.  Planning for March.  Reflection, endings, closure.   

2020 March  outcome of plans of January.  Affairs of property.  Business appointments, government credibility.  Group meetings.  Everyone busy with work deadlines.  Riches,  tendency to deception.  Endings.  Events/decisions/plans of this time see outcome in November 2020.

2020 April   Outcome from February.  Potential conflict.   Trips, removals.  Status of employees.  Movement of authority figures, investments in foreign places.  Education, youth.  Finances of work targets, sales.   Preparation for the July-December period. Potential conflict.

2020 April-August Venus retrograde phase legal affairs of property, employee contracts, work endings.

2020 May   Movement, trips.  Financial focus.  Outcome of ventures of May to be seen February2021.  

2020 May-February 2021 Focus on international relations. Affairs of property. Finances of the business. Education.

2020 June   deadlines, endings.   Work targets.  Workforce opposition, from February 2020.

2020 July-December    Conflict, strife. Compromise, agreements. Movement, relocation. Wealth. Endings.

2020 the year for gain, wealth, caution, calmness, compromise to avert strife.

2020 PERSONAL FORESIGHTS For those of with the Sun, Ascending Sign or Mutual Reception Sun in the constellation of: ARIES the year 2020 highlights relationships, contracts, commitment to new direction, move, relocation TAURUS 2020 work targets, work deadlines, employees, health regimes, foreign affairs GEMINI payments, investments, shared resources, resources of property, social affairs, affairs of children CANCER home and family affairs, property, agreement, movement LEO daily working affairs, deadlines, health, short trips, employee status, sibling relations VIRGO personal finances and material security. Assistant. Finances of property. Focus on affairs of child LIBRA change in business premises, changes in status of property ownership. Home, family. Property affairs SCORPIO work busyness, endings, hidden affairs, short trips, reflection SAGITTARIUS business finances, government resources, taxes, funding of business, group activities, property finances, child, social affairs CAPRICORN direction, position, credibility, authority, business appointment, planning AQUARIUS foreign affairs, legal matters meetings, work targets, work busyness, education, endings PISCES business funding, group meetings, social events, child movement, shared finances, banks, insurance, investments, inheritance, funding, rental.


Tomorrow we may come this way,

And take the hidden paths that run

Towards the Moon or to the Sun    –  J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings.


29th December 2019




29th December 2019

dinastro DECEMBER 2019 WEEK OF 30TH TO 3RD JANUARY 2020

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS: Key days 28th December-1st January at sunset look for the crescent Moon with dazzling Venus, favourable for peace, social activities, affairs of women, relationships, movement, trips. 2nd January 2020 first quarter Moon. 2-4th January favourable for planning, inception of new direction for 2020.

MONDAY 30 December favourable for group activities, business finances, relationships, material possessions TUESDAY 31st December 2019 favourable for inspiration, intoxication, hidden things WEDNESDAY 1st January 2020 endings, retreat, reflection THURSDAY 2 inception of new direction, planning FRIDAY 3 favourable for movement, trips, social activities, disruption in short trips, work routine disarray, loss of possessions, potential theft, change in status of property ownership, inception of new direction, planning for 2020 SATURDAY 4 favourable for evening social events SUNDAY 5 favourable for movement, cutting ties, trips, possessions, potential loss. Ending of 2019.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features change in status of position, ownership, appointment, preparation for 2020 TAURUS ending, foreign affairs, social GEMINI investments, social, shared resources CANCER contractual agreements, movement, commitment to direction of 2020 LEO work deadlines, employees, health   VIRGO recreation, holiday, social affairs, child   LIBRA house, family, endings, plans for property affairs of 2020  SCORPIO busyness with daily routines, short trips SAGITTARIUS financial affairs, possessions, assistants  CAPRICORN selfhood activities, planning for 2020, movement, social.   AQUARIUS endings, retreat, reflection   PISCES business finances, movement of child, group activities, social.

Sagacious prescription of Time

DECEMBER 2019 WEEK 23-29

22nd December 2019


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Week of 22nd December is the beginning of January 2020.   Planning of December sees outcome January.   December is outcome of October’s plans.  Favourable for holiday, foreign affairs, social groups, investments, shared resources, rental.  Stellium with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Cadua Draconis, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn ‘when the stars begin to huddle the earth will soon be a puddle’,  rain.     

MONDAY 23rd December  Favourable for association with men, disruption, conflict, shared resources, banking, investments.   Communications, news, material things are false TUESDAY 24th   Dark moon with Antares,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things, acts of destruction.  Unfavourable for movement WEDNESDAY 25th  Dark moon,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things.  Favourable for movement, short trips, communications, organising, social affairs, celebration, recreation, holiday THURSDAY 26th   New Moon phase 26 – 31st December:  good for initiating projects; cutting hair to grow fast and thick; sowing of seed.  A time to plan and plant.  Unfavourable for installations.  Favourable for foreign affairs, social affairs, holiday, retreat, reflection, short trips, possessions, gain, endings.  Potential material loss.  Plans for January week 6th 2020.  Annular Solar Eclipse, a ‘total’, but the Moon is too far from Earth for the apex of its shadow to reach Earth’s surface.  Thus Moon will not entirely hide Sun, and a narrow disk of light will surround the dark New Moon on December 26 2019 5am signifying unhappiness to the great;  revolution;  mutiny;  famine;  movement, travel.   (Earthquakes generally follow on the heels of eclipses).  Visible over Arab states, India, SE Asia, Australia FRIDAY 27th  favourable for women of authority and association with.   Favourable for security systems, delays, constraints, plan delays, change of position, movement, group activities, wealth.   Global no-action day: News, plans are untrue or delayed.  Unfavourable for procedures on the physical body. Plans for January 2020. View Moon with Saturn, Jupiter, Venus SATURDAY 28th  cutting of ties, movement, trip.  Group activities.   Favourable for home affairs  SUNDAY 29th  favourable for group activities, social affairs, payments, investments.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features contractual agreements, movement, commitment to direction of 2020.  TAURUS the week features work deadlines, employees, health regime  GEMINI recreation, holiday, social affairs, child   CANCER house, family, endings, plans for 2020 property affairs.  LEO  busyness with daily routines, work routines, short trips.  VIRGO   financial affairs, possessions, assistants.   LIBRA  new direction, planning for 2020, movement, social.   SCORPIO work endings, retreat.   SAGITTARIUS business finances and resources, investment, group activities, social.  CAPRICORN  fulfilment of status of position, ownership, movement, eventful plans for 2020.  AQUARIUS  business work ending, travel, social.   PISCES shared resources, rental, social, payments, investments.

Sagacious prescription of Time

DECEMBER 2019 WEEK 16-22

15th December 2019

dinastro foresights DECEMBER 2019 WEEK OF 16-22ND

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Week of 16th December Mercury in detriment.  Communications, daily activities, technology, accounts, work affairs are impaired.  Potential delays, accidents in short trips.  Favourable for sudden breaks in routine, hiatus. inspiration, idealism, riches, deception.  Week of 16th focus on agreements, relationships, movement, trips, employee finances,  business change in status of operation,  holiday, recreation, payments.   Plans of December sees outcome January.   Agreement of week of 16th December sees outcome week of 27th January 2020.    

MONDAY 16th December duties and routines, finances, foreign travel, ending of work, favourable for association with men.   TUESDAY 17th   Relationships, agreement, contracts, opposition, endings, holiday, recreation.  Favourable for women, movement, trips, affairs with children.   WEDNESDAY 18th  Relationships, agreements, holiday, recreation, movement.   Favourable for women, movement, trips, home, property, group activities, social affairs, work endings, retreat, security systems, affairs with children.  Outcome of appointment of September, endings of business of December, planning for March 2020. THURSDAY 19th   favourable for new direction, movement, selfhood activities, change in status quo. FRIDAY 20th  favourable for payments, shared resources, investments, rent, settlement, movement, agreements, family affairs, property, woman of authority, wealth, security systems, group activities, social affairs, endings, retreat. SATURDAY 21st  Solstice. Focus on activities with shared resources, rent, children, foreign travel, social affairs.  Communications, news are untrue, material purchases are faulty.  SUNDAY 22nd  focus on social affairs, association with men, travel, work premises, business endings, finances, resources and possessions.   View Moon with Mars and Mercury before sunrise.  Communications, news are untrue, material purchases are faulty.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features busyness in daily routines, communications, short trips   TAURUS the week features financial affairs, possessions, assistants, endings   GEMINI new direction, planning, movement, social    CANCER work endings, health targets, retreat, status of position   LEO business finances and resources, employee deadlines, group activities, endings, travel   VIRGO fulfilment of status of position, ownership, movement, payments, investment   LIBRA  business ending, travel, agreement   SCORPIO work deadlines, employees, shared resources, payments, investments, children, social, recreation   SAGITTARIUS  agreements, relationships, movement, social, recreation   CAPRICORN  work deadlines, health, home and family, property     AQUARIUS  daily routines, speculation, recreation, holiday, social affairs, child       PISCES  possessions, property, house, family, endings  

Advantageous prediction of Time



8th December 2019


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Planning of December sees outcome January-February 2020.   Work project of week of 9th December sees agreement week of 16th December and action 27th January 2020.    Health affair of week of 9th December sees outcome week of 16th December and final result 27th January 2020.   Affairs of women of authority see outcome week of 13th January 2020.

MONDAY 9th December view Venus after sunset with Saturn above and Jupiter below.  Favourable for daily affairs, investments, payment, settlements of contracts.  Focus on finances linked to foreign affairs.  Tendency to road mishaps.  News, actions, material things are true and good.  Plans for February 2020    TUESDAY 10th  view Venus conjunction with Saturn.  Favourable for daily affairs, organising, communications.  News, actions are true and good.  Affairs of wealth   WEDNESDAY 11th focus on agreements linked to property affairs, planning for recreation.  Favourable for group activities, social affairs, investments,  long-term agreements, constraints of trips, payments.   Favourable for security systems    THURSDAY 12th   Full Moon Fruition of projects of New Moon of 26th November.  Energies are high, favourable for securing agreements, harvest of holiday and recreation, value of property, investments, social affairs, speculations, children.  Favourable for trips.  Outcome of agreements of September.     Projects of December 2019 from September manifest in March 2020.  Movement, trips   FRIDAY 13th   Favourable for material gain, wealth.   Favourable for holiday, recreation, affairs of children, social activities.   News and communications here are true and fertile.   Wealth linked to employees.  Personal activities linked to matters of wealth   SATURDAY 14th  focus on finances.  Short trips, routines, investments, group activities, wealth.    Favourable for holiday, recreation, affairs of children, social activities.   News and communications here are true and fertile.  Favourable for finances linked to foreign affairs and legal matters.  Unfavourable for women of authority SUNDAY 15th  women of authority at a disadvantage;  favourable for movement, trip, break of routine, change in location, status of position.   Break of property affairs of November.  News, actions are true and good.   Focus on organising, affairs of health, routines, movement, trips, agreements linked to property sale or hire.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features work endings, health   TAURUS the week features group activities, fruition of aspirations, children   GEMINI fulfillment of status of position, ownership, movement   CANCER work endings, travel   LEO  payments, investments   VIRGO  agreements, relationships, move  LIBRA  work deadlines, health routines    SCORPIO recreation, holiday, child   SAGITTARIUS  house, family, endings  CAPRICORN work affairs, short trips   AQUARIUS finances and possessions  PISCES  new direction, movement.

Advantageous prediction of Time.

For your individual foresights and elections please request your own 2020 TimeMap.  



1st December 2019


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Activities of November see outcome in the week of 2nd of December 2019.   Planning of December sees outcome January.   Work deadlines of week of 2nd December sees outcome week of 20th January 2020.   Work affair of week of 9th December sees agreement week of 16th December and actioned 27th January 2020.     

MONDAY 2nd December work endings.  Hidden things.  Focus on contractual affairs related to property.  Ending of partnership.   Women at a disadvantage, loss of investment  TUESDAY 3rd ending of property affair of September.    Ending of contracts.  New direction for March 2020   WEDNESDAY 4th busyness with deadlines.  Hidden things, idealism, deception.  Riches.  Finances linked to foreign affairs and legal matters.  Endings of property affairs of September.  New direction.  Preparation for business ventures of March 2020     THURSDAY 5th  planning.    Wealth, work focus, contractual agreements of property of week of 24th October.  Endings of property affairs of September.   New direction for March 2020.   FRIDAY 6th   focus on finances from agreements, status of ownerships, work deadlines, investments.  Favourable for women of authority.   Social affairs   SATURDAY 7th focus on finances.  Favourable for short trips, routines, investments, group activities, wealth  SUNDAY 8th  women of authority at a disadvantage;  favourable for movement, trip, break of routine, change in location, status of position.   Break of property affairs of November.  News, actions are true and good.   Focus on organising.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features payments, work achievement, foreign affairs  TAURUS focus for the week features fulfillment of contracts, payments    GEMINI fulfillment of commitments, move, partner, agreements   CANCER  deadlines, staff   LEO  recreation, holiday, children   VIRGO home, family, contracts   LIBRA work affairs, short trips  SCORPIO  finances and possessions   SAGITTARIUS movement, status of property ownership, business premises   CAPRICORN  endings, reflection AQUARIUS group activities, resources of the business  PISCES  riches, status of position, ownership 


For your individual foresights and elections please request your own 2020 business time map.   Incisive time- prediction to control and direct your time for advantage.     


1st December 2019

dinastro foresights DECEMBER 2019

DECEMBER 2019 marks the beginning of the year 2020.  Delayed finances of November advance forward in December 2019.  December features outcome of decisions of September.  December’s events see outcome February 2020.   

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS    December 2019 features agreements, outcome of November’s negotiations.   Business affairs of September 2019 see contractual outcome in December 2019.    December highlights work endings, endings of business engagements, endings of partnerships, contracts related to move, trip.  Ventures of December see outcome February 2020.   Business direction of December 2019 sees contractual outcome in March 2020.  The energy of December favours hidden things, riches, inspiration, intoxication.   December 2019 features finances linked to foreign matters, the outcome of efforts of November.  Constraints in agreements of December move forward in January 2020.  December 2019 highlights loss for women of authority, older women, women at a disadvantage 1-9th December.    Unfavourable for large gatherings, unfavourable for short trips.  December is favourable for the attainment of holiday and recreation, hiatus of work.   December begins the planetary stellium of 2020 featuring Caput Draconis, Ceres, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto.  This aspect highlights investments, resources of government,  resources of the business,  business funding,  group activities,  social events, wealth accumulation,  a time to retreat and reflect.   of the stellium sees outcome April 2020.  December 2019 highlights change in status of ownership, placement, move, trip.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS   For those of us with Sun or Ascendant in the constellation of:     ARIES December 2019 features social events, recreation, affairs with child after delays of November, work and health changes for outcome February 2020, fulfillment of work commitments.   For those of us with Sun or Ascendant in the constellation of TAURUS December 2019 features affairs of property after delays of November,  family matters, holiday, activities with child, social events and business investment for February 2020,  fulfillment of business funding, investment, taxes.   For GEMINI December 2019 outcome of work affair from delays of November, family events, property matter for February 2020, fulfillment of status of ownership and placement, move.   For CANCER December 2019 focuses on personal resources from the delays of November, assistant from the delays of November, work planning for February 2020, fulfillment of work endings, travel.   For LEO the focus of December is on status of property, new direction from delays of November, personal resources for February, assistant for February 2020, fulfillment of investment.   For VIRGO the focus in December 2019 is a time of work commitments from the delays of November, planning for new direction from legal outcome for February 2020, fulfillment of legal agreement, affairs of partner, commitment, move.   For LIBRA December 2019 focus on social events, commitment of child, finances of the business from the delays of November 2019,  work endings see outcome February 2020, fulfillment of work change.  SCORPIO December 2019 focus is on business appointment, status of ownership from the delays of November, business funding, taxes for outcome in February 2020, group activities, fulfillment of affairs of child, recreation.   SAGITTARIUS December 2019 focus is on social events, legal affairs from delays of November, education from delays of November, work endings from delays of November, status of ownership and appointment for February 2020, fulfillment of property matter, legal outcome.    CAPRICORN December 2019 focus on social events, investments from delays of November, foreign affairs for February 2020, work endings for February 2020, fulfillment of work management change.   For AQUARIUS the month of December 2019 features social affairs, contractual agreements from delays of November 2019, property matters from delays of November, payments and investments for February 2020,  fulfillment of personal material resources.   PISCES the month of December 2019 focus on work and health affairs from delays of November, contractual agreements for February 2020, fulfillment in new direction, status of property ownership.    

Eventful days in December 2019:  24th November unexpected events, breaks, status of appointment;  27th November focus on business of December for outcome February 2020;  2nd December women at a disadvantage, loss of investment;  4th December preparation for ventures of March 2020;   8th women of authority at a disadvantage;   9th  View Venus after sunset with Saturn above and Jupiter below  10th view Venus conjunction with Saturn  11th work endings, investments;  12th December harvest of holiday and recreation;  13th wealth attainment;  18th endings of business of December,  contracts from September;  22nd view Moon with Mars and Mercury before sunrise  23rd December unfavourable for material things, disruption;  26th December movement, plans for January 2020;  27th view Moon with Saturn and Venus  28th  view Venus with the crescent Moon after sunset  29th  social events, recreation, reflection.    Full Moon 12th December, New Moon 26th December, Annular Solar Eclipse where a narrow ring of light will surround the dark New Moon signifying unhappiness to the great;  revolution;  mutiny;  famine;  movement, travel.   (Earthquakes generally follow on the heels of eclipses).  Visible over Arab Peninsula, India, SE Asia, Australia.  View planetary stellium at sunsets from the 29th November.   

For your elective foresights please refer to your personal 2020 TimeMap.   Prediction of time for effective planning.

What you seek is seeking you   – Rumi