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NOVEMBER 2019 WEEK 25-30

24th November 2019


ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:    Advance of daily communications, negotiations, agreements, direction, deadlines from delays of October and November.  Week of 25th November sees outcome of actions of the week of 14th October.    Favourable for work commitments, payments, communications, status of position, ownership, short trips, unfavourable for material things, investments, group activities, crowds. 

CELESTIAL HIGHLIGHTS:  25th Dark Moon with Mercury;  26th New Moon with Antares;  27th after sunset look for the young Moon low in the horizon,  Moon anchors the bright evening stars of Jupiter, Ceres, Venus, Saturn arcing up;  28th Mercury visible beneath faint Mars low in the horizon in the hour before sunrise and after sunset:  Moon with Jupiter, Moon above bright Venus, to the right Jupiter, above to the left shines Saturn;   29th Moon with Saturn.   

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES activities this week feature personal finances, work deadlines, foreign associations, legal outcome, contracts for January, move of child  TAURUS highlights new direction, social activities, affairs with child, recreation, movement, change of status of position, ownership, work matter/employee for January  GEMINI highlights endings, property, home and family affairs, personal resources, social event, affairs of child for January  CANCER features organising, short trips, home and family affair for January, groups   LEO highlights personal finances, change in status of position, ownership, agreements, organising for January   VIRGO features new direction, legal affairs, social activities, affairs of child, finances for January   LIBRA highlights endings, hidden things, payments, change in status of position, affairs of child, new direction for January SCORPIO business resources, investments, contracts, endings for January  SAGITTARIUS features change in status of position, ownership, work communications, payments, business resources for January  CAPRICORN features work ending, meetings, social event, finances, contracts, business direction ownership for January, change in child  AQUARIUS investments, payments, foreign affairs for January, home and family  PISCES features organising, move, contracts, social events, endings, investments for January. 


MONDAY 25th Dark Moon hidden intentions, unfavourable to commit.  News and communications are untrue, material things are faulty.  Unfavourable for action to new things.  Defer action to 2nd or 9th December.  Favourable for movement, trips but expect delays or disarrangements.  Focus on endings of legal outcome, agreements, contracts.    TUESDAY 26th   endings, hidden things, malevolence, rashness, ruin, disgrace.  Unfavourable for action and commitment.     WEDNESDAY 27th   New Moon favourable for change in status of position, ownership, credibility, promotion of business and appointment.    THURSDAY 28st  Focus on new direction, favourable for endings of matters of 2019.  Favourable for association with finances, group activities, older women of authority, communications, investments, payments, planning for selfhood activities for December, change of status of position, ownership, agreements, settlements.    FRIDAY 29th  hidden things, potential material loss, constraints, privations, delays, commitments are long-term.  Focus on group activities.    SATURDAY 30th   Focus on group activities, social events, affairs of wealth.  Planning for January 2020.

Advantageous Prescription of Time

NOVEMBER 2019 WEEK 18-24

17th November 2019


PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES activities this week features status of appointment, ownership, home, endings, outcome of legal matter and personal finances  TAURUS highlights busyness organising, ending of work affair, employee, legal outcome, home affairs, new direction  GEMINI highlights investment, busyness organising, personal resources, outcome of work commitment   CANCER features contracts, personal resources, outcome in resources of the business   LEO highlights selfhood activities, work affairs, outcome of status of appointment, ownership  VIRGO features business finances, property resources, recreation, social events, child, outcome in foreign matter, education and legal affair  LIBRA highlights finances of the business, client’s contracts, status of appointment, ownership, outcome of payment, investment and other’s resources   SCORPIO organising, status of ownership, appointment, work endings, foreign affairs, outcome of partnership agreement, movement SAGITTARIUS features personal finances, investments, legal matter, child, outcome of work targets  CAPRICORN features planning, investments, movement, contracts, outcome of recreation and affairs of child   AQUARIUS ending of contract, work commitment, outcome of property affair and contractual agreement  PISCES features work deadlines, resources of the business, property, recreation, child, outcome of work affair.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:  Mercury Retrograde Phase ends 21st November 2019 resuming Direct motion signifying clarity.  Advance of daily communications, negotiations, agreements, direction, deadlines.  Delays of November see outcome in the week of December 2019.  That which is lost in the week of 18th November is recovered week of 2nd December 2019.  Week of 18th November features change in direction of events of 14 and 24th October.     November 23rd begins the month of December 2019.

MONDAY 18th focus on contractual agreements from November.  Property resources, investments, legal settlement, favourable for movement.   TUESDAY 19th  focus on contractual agreements of November, opposition, legal affairs, conclusion.   Action here sees outcome February.  Favourable for foreign affairs and education, financial affairs.  Unfavourable, tendency to disruption association with man, conflict.  Potential material loss.   Defer action for 20th November or 2nd or 9th December.  WEDNESDAY 20th   Focus on investments and shared resources/finances, payments, communications, organising, business plans, appointment, ownership changes.  Favourable for women of authority.  Investments are weak/retarded, potential material loss.   Favourable for movement, trip. THURSDAY 21st   Focus on investments and finances of agreements regarding property, legal settlements.  Payments, wealth.  Favourable for contracts for December.  Mercury direct, focus on outcome of projects of week of 11th of October.  FRIDAY 22nd  Focus on foreign affairs, legal matters.  Favourable for women of authority. SATURDAY 23rd   Unfavourable to purchase material things as they tend to be faulty.   News, decisions made during this time will prove false.   Disruptions in communications, trips, accounts, status of ownership, property affairs of October.  SUNDAY 24th   Dark moon,  hidden intentions unfavourable to commit.  Unfavourable for movement, trips.   Defer action for 2nd or 9th December where waxing moon reveals concealed plans of dark moon.   Focus on unexpected events, material gain, property, foreign affairs, legal matters, finances, investments, social affairs.   Favourable for hiding things.    Advantageous Prescription of Time.

NOVEMBER 2019 WEEK 11-17

11th November 2019


PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of Aries the focus this week features business funding, investments, group affairs;   Taurus focus for the week features business direction, change in status of ownership, appointment;   Gemini focus for the week features foreign associations, education;   Cancer focus for the week features investments;   Leo focus of the week features meetings, fulfilment of contractual agreements;   Virgo highlight of the week features work changes, deadlines;   Libra features affairs of children, social events;   Scorpio sees fulfilment of property affairs, securing of agreement;  Sagittarius sees busyness in daily affairs;   Capricorn features activity in the realm of personal resources;   Aquarius sees inception of new direction for February;  Pisces features a time of work endings, favourable for review.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:  Mercury Retrograde Phase highlights delays in work affairs, communications, agreements from October.  Activities of November see outcome in the week of December 2019.  Monday 11th unexpected events, favourable for cutting of ties, trips, favourable for meeting work deadlines, favourable for property affairs   Tuesday 12th  is the peak of activities of the month of November, favourable for contracts, agreements, movement, trips, affairs of property,  fulfilment of contracts of August, favourable for action in new direction for February 2020   Wednesday 13th focus on favourable for investments, preparation of venture for outcome in December   Thursday 14th   favourable for speculative ventures, investments, property affairs, foreign associations, education,  social events, women  Friday 15th  favourable for social events, affairs of children, busyness with organising, family affairs, change in business direction, outcome in status of appointment, ownership     Saturday 16th favourable for securing gain, affairs of health, foreign associations, work deadlines, social events   Sunday 17th  busyness with kindred, work deadlines, affairs of health, movement, short trips, social relationships, unfavourable for matters of wealth

November 2019 is the final month of this planetary year of 2019.  November features outcomes of October’s events, agreements of negotiations of October.  The new planetary year 2020 commences in December 2019.  Prediction to control and direct your time for advantage.     


4th November 2019


PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of Aries the focus this week features payments, investments;  Taurus focus for the week features fulfilment of contractual agreements, meetings;  Gemini focus for the week features work deadlines;  Cancer focus for the week features affairs of child, social affairs, creative project;  Leo focus for the week features home affairs, endings;  Virgo focus of the week highlights busyness in daily management;  Libra focus of the week features personal finances;  Scorpio focus on the week features status of property ownership, new direction;  Sagittarius features work endings, reflection;  Capricorn features investments, finances of the business, group affairs;  Aquarius features status of business direction, status of ownership;    Pisces highlights education and foreign affairs of business.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:  Mercury Retrograde Phase highlights delays in work affairs, communications, agreements from October.  Activities of November see outcome in the week of December 2019.  Monday 4th inception of new direction for February 2020, favourable for meetings, negotiations,  favourable for daily routines, favourable for proposals  Tuesday 5th favourable for investment, gain through business finances  Wednesday 6th focus on financial security, planning for March 2020,  focus on property affairs, legal matters  Thursday 7th favourable for gain from contracts, riches, currency fluctuation, potential deception  Friday 8th busyness of daily affairs, favourable for social events  Saturday 9th busyness organising, favourable for home affairs, group activities, trips, delays, constraints  Sunday 10th busyness in daily affairs, disruption, financial wealth.

For your individual foresights and elections please request your own 2020 business time map.   Incisive time- prediction to control and direct your time for advantage.     


4th November 2019

dinastro foresights NOVEMBER 2019

NOVEMBER features:    Mercury retrograde phase from 31st October.  This means work affairs and agreement commitments of October are delayed and see outcome end of November 2019.   November is a time of increased busyness, due to unexpected requests.   

November 2019 features outcomes of new ventures of August 2019.   Business affairs of August 2019 see contractual outcome in November 2019.    November highlights material gain of business finances linked to speculations of May 2019.   Material gain of November is linked to foreign, legal affairs of June and property affairs of April.   Business daily affairs directed to endings of foreign matters, legal affairs and education.   Gain in foreign property linked to June 2019.    November 2019 sees the fulfilment of business appointments from May 2019.    November 2019 sees contractual agreements from business proposals of August 2019.   Work deadlines and employee recruitment of November 2019 is the outcome of contracts of October.   Contractual commitments and legal disputes of November 2019 see end-result in February 2020.   November 2019 highlights hidden investments and delayed payments from October.   November 2019 is favourable for gain linked to business investments, funding, agreements of October, ownership status of May.  November business client of November is linked to foreign affairs and employees see outcome February 2020.   November delayed holiday and recreation plans from October see outcome December 2019.   November features successful aspirations, favourable group activities, favourable finances from business engagements. 

Eventful days for action and commitment:  31st October 2019 Mercury retrograde phase;  2nd November unfavourable for material things,  4th November preparation for new direction of February 2020;   11th November endings of contracts of August;  19th November focus on contracts of November, delays;  28th November successful status of appointment and ownership of 2019, for end-result February 2020.  Full Moon 13th, New Moon 27th November. 

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For Aries the month of November features affairs of child, legal outcome of October, investments;  Taurus November features fulfilment of contracts, cutting of ties of agreements of August, endings of work affairs of October,  property focus;  Gemini the month of November features busyness managing daily work affairs, contracts of employment status, personal finances from October;   Cancer the month of November features increase of personal finances, new direction from October;  Leo the month of November features inception of new direction of work affairs for February 2020, move, endings from October;   Virgo the month of November features business investment from October, work endings, hidden things;  Libra the month of November features client’s resources, client business proposal from October, status of position,  affairs of child, group affairs;  Scorpio November features change in status of ownership, foreign affairs from October;   Sagittarius the month of November features affairs of education, foreign affairs, legal matters, daily routines, settlements from October;  Capricorn November features investments, settlements, contractual agreements of October, the trip of October;   Aquarius November features move, trip, contractual agreements,  work deadlines of October;  Pisces the month of November features affairs of health, work deadlines, affairs of chid from October.  

November 2019 is the final month of this planetary year of 2019.  November features outcomes of October’s events, agreements of negotiations of October.  The new planetary year 2020 commences in December 2019.  For timeous response please request your 2020 TimeMap at your earliest convenience.

Planning is bringing the future into the present   – Alan Lakein

OCTOBER 2019 WEEK 28-3

28th October 2019

November 2019 begins October 24th

OCTOBER 2019 28-3rd November

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of Aries the focus this week features achievement of work deadlines, legal matters and foreign affairs, property investment;  Taurus features busyness in daily routines, gain in investments, social affairs, affairs of child, payments of client, creative project;  Gemini features finances, move of house, gain through legal agreement, finances of foreign place;  Cancer is busy with daily routines and matters of health, investments;   Leo features gain in finances for activities of recreation, secret agreements;  Virgo highlights activities for self and home affairs, work affairs with groups;  Libra features busyness in legal affairs related to property, status of ownership, finances of property;  Scorpio features gain in business finances, group meetings, foreign property affairs;  Sagittarius features new direction in daily routines, investments;  Capricorn features gain through foreign association, finances through contracts, achievement in education, hidden matter regarding management;  Aquarius features gain in investments and business funding;  Pisces features gain through contractual commitments, move.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:  Mercury Retrograde phase commences 31st October.   Highlighted are delays in work affairs, communications, plans,  investments,  financial settlements of legal affairs, matters of employees, legal matters, travel,  affairs of children.   Activities of work and legal outcomes of the week of 28October features delays in November and sees outcome in the week of 2nd December 2019.

Monday 28th:  communications are faulty, unfavourable to commit, purchase, delays in work action, focus on contractual agreements, payments, finances  Tuesday 29th: communications are faulty, unfavourable to commit, purchase, focus on work communications, trips, investments, proposals   Wednesday 30thfavourable for association with meetings, financials of the business, social affairs  Thursday 31st: favourable for dealing with association with women of authority, favourable for requests, proposals, financial gain  Friday 25th:  communications are false, unfavourable to purchase, favourable for work endings, reflection Saturday 26th: communications are false, plans faulty, favourable for locking and securing things, unfavourable for commitments Sunday 27th: focus on matters of wealth, a day of non-significant events

These are global predictions from the general planetary alignments of the month of November. Planetary alignments of the personal data provides individualised foresights.

OCTOBER 2019 21-27TH

20th October 2019

dinastro FORESIGHTS OCTOBER 2019 WEEK OF 21-27th

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS: For those of us born under the constellation of: Aries the focus this week features outcome of legal affair, personal finances, home activities; Taurus features busyness in organising work affairs with client’s employees, short trips, beauty of self; Gemini features activities regarding finances and possessions; Cancer features planning for new direction from July; Leo focus on endings linked to work and employees; Virgo focus in group activities, business accounts; Libra focus on business direction, employment, ownership, proposal; Scorpio focus on foreign affairs, legal matters; Sagittarius focus on investments and payments; Capricorn on meetings, contracts, partnerships, movement, trip; Aquarius on work deadlines; Pisces on investments, children, recreation.

ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS: Financial and work affairs, matters of employees, legal affairs, foreign matters of the week of 21st October features delays in the week of the 4th November and sees outcome on the week of 2nd December 2019.

Monday 21st: Favourable to engage in meetings, agreements, contracts, legal pursuits, work deadlines, foreign affairs Tuesday 22nd: favourable to secure payments, investments, sending proposals, installing property fixtures Wednesday 23rd: favourable to secure payments, funding, foreign matters, legal affairs, gain, work deadlines, hidden things Thursday 24th: favourable for dealing with foreign affairs, legal matters, locking and securing things Friday 25th: favourable for action in foreign affairs, legal matters, work activities, reflection Saturday 26th: favourable for movement, trip, recreation, social events, unfavourable for commitments Sunday 27th: favourable for recreation, unfavourable for commitments and purchasing, communications will prove false.

These are global predictions from the general planetary alignments of the month of October. Planetary alignments of the personal data provides individualised foresights.

OCTOBER 2019 14-20TH

13th October 2019

dinastro FORESIGHTS OCTOBER 2019 WEEK OF 14-20th

EPHEMERAL SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS: Financial and work affairs concerning work premises, the recruitment and retrenchment of employees, legal affairs, association with foreign matters, matters of education, work deadlines, accounts and payments features delays on the week of the 11th November 2019 with a resolution in outcome week of the 25th November 2019. Week for the 14th October features agreements from events of the week of the 7th October 2019.

Monday 14th: Favourable for agreements, contracts, legal affairs, communications, meetings, partnerships. Contractual agreements made today will end December 2020. Full Moon. Tuesday 15th: favourable for movement, trips, cutting of ties, intrusions, windfalls, ownership, investments. Unfavourable for ownership, investments. News of today are true. Wednesday 16th: favourable for matters of wealth, social affairs, purchases will hold value and last. Unfavourable for work deadlines, communications, accounts, movement. Thursday 17th: favourable for work deadlines, health routines, employment, property matters, investments. Friday 18th: favourable for work deadlines, health routines, matters of employees. Unfavourable for communications, trips, recruitment of employees. Saturday 19th: favourable for relationships, agreements, meetings, social, investments, payments. Sunday 20th: favourable for gain of material worth, social events, ownership, property affairs, investments, agreements, relationships. Unfavourable for monetary fluctuations, constraints.

These are global foresights from the general planetary alignments of the month of September. Planetary alignments of the personal data provides individualised foresights.

OCTOBER 2019 7-13TH

6th October 2019


EPHEMERAL GUIDE OF EVENTS: Financial and work affairs concerning work premises, the recruitment and retrenchment of employees, legal affairs, association with foreign matters and affairs of education of the week of the 7th of October 2019 see delays with a resolution in outcome on the week of the 18th November 2019. Monday 7th:   Favourable for matters regarding finances, banking, possessions (buying and selling), accounts, investments, association with employees, work communications, acts of disruption, movement, property affairs, action of plans of August Tuesday 8th:   Favourable for matters of finances, banking, possessions, payments, plans for February 2020 Wednesday 9th:   Favourable for matters of finances, possessions; unfavourable for commitments Thursday 10th:  Favourable for hurried work affairs, communications, accounts, meetings, agreements, clothing, association with employees, resources of property, ownership, promotion of credit and business, association with authority figures, education Friday 11th:   Favourable for news, communications, riches, short trips, status of employment, things concealed, inspiration, addiction  Saturday 12th:  Favourable for revelation of things that were hidden week of the 29th September, home affairs, family affairs; unfavourable for movement, trips, property affairs Sunday 13th:   Favourable for home and family affairs, relationships, movement, trips.

These are global foresights from the general planetary alignments of the month of September. Planetary alignments of the personal data provides individualised foresights.

OCTOBER 2019 1-6th

29th September 2019


OCTOBER 2019 WEEK OF 1-6th


EPHEMERAL CYCLE OF EVENTS: Monday 30th September:  Unfavourable for action, communications are false, material things faulty. Tuesday 1st October:   Unfavourable for action, communications are false, material things faulty. Busyness with accounts, communications, planning of affairs of October and November, movement, financial affairs of the business, financial affairs of the client, employee deadlines, group activities. Wednesday 2nd October:   Favourable for work endings, hidden plans to materialise in December Thursday 3rd October:  Favourable for women of authority, gain for work employees, favourable to take counsel, make requests of those in authority, work affairs. Friday 4th:   Favourable for work endings, social affairs, ownership of property Saturday 5th: Unfavourable for material physical things, investments. Unfavourable for association with men, tendency to disruption. Energy prone to loss of personal possessions, movement, study, accounts. Sunday 6th:  Favourable for matters of wealth. Favourable for plans for October 2019 for January 2020. Favourable for social affairs, association with women, affairs concerning value of property and ownership of property.

These are global planetary energies. Individual Annual Road-map stem from the personal birth data

Choice, not chance,  determines destiny    –  Aristotle
