dinastro Elective Foresights JULY 2019

Use these global elective foresights to prepare daily decisions, plans, directions, actions. Diarise dates for judicious command.

Global energy focus for July features:   Mercury retrograde phase delays in work affairs, meeting deadlines, organising, outcomes, agreements. Agreements result in delays , uncertainty and miscommunication.  Business plans of direction of July move forward on 2-16th August.   Focus on foreign associations,  work gain from communications and advertising efforts of June.   Work busy-est with deadline delays.    Forging ahead in career direction plans, status of position, move/travel for August.    Disruption on road, rail, post, communications, technology, marketing, daily affairs, employee affairs, property agreements/sales, legal affairs, international associations, travel.   Gain through monetary value, travel, education.    Gain from assistants,  sales and development of products, material security, conceptions, brand ambassadors, banking, value of property.   Constraints and hindrances in daily-running work affairs.  Wealth acquisition through property.  Favourable for planning activities for holidays for August.   July features the profitable secure outcome of business project of June, favourable for promotion of business.   July’s contractual affairs see outcome April 2020.   Plans of retrenchment of employees from May for August 2019.   Favourable for financial gain of business, investments, funding, business products, finances from contracts, taxes see outcome end August.     Favourable for termination of commitments to:   agreements, relationships, contracts, finances of employees, partnerships, legal agreements/litigation,  movement, trips.   Delays of business partnership agreements, business credit, status of direction, move, sales, ownership, employment.

July Week of:  1st   favourable for education, courses, employee meetings and workshops,  legal affairs, Hidden intentions are revealed 16th July;  2nd July New Moon 2nd Total Solar Eclipse,  4th disruptions in contractual agreements, work deadlines, travel;   6th communications and plans for September 2019;

July week of 8th:   beneficial advantage of affairs of end May 2019;   revisit of plans and activities of the week of the 1st July;  10-12th  unfortunate for plans and arrangements of move direction of May, loss of material things;   13th  financial gain, success;   sky sight: view Moon travelling with Jupiter.

July week of 15th:   week of work/plans delays continuation from week of the 1st July,  15-16th  unfortunate for material things, delays, loss;   Full moon:  17th  busyness, deadlines, agreements;  sky sight: view Moon travelling with Saturn;  17th full MoonPartial Solar Eclipse:  revelation of proposals of week of 24th June, favourable for property affairs;    Beneficial, fruitful agreements of week of 10th June;   19th unfortunate for wealth;   20th return to routine, preparations for September.

July Week of 22nd :  revisit affairs of week of 24th of June for outcome week of week of 5th August 2019.   25th favourable for cutting ties from associations; trips;  news, communications received on this day are true;  30-31st hidden intentions. 

Foresights are general indicating planetary energies of applying globally.  For your individual foresights and elections please refer to your personal 2019 road map.   Incisive time- prediction for controlling and directing advantageous change.     

Innovative resource of personal time-management for expedient investment choices.

in this world of time and money,  Timing Is Everything..

These are general foresights from multi-disciplinary planetary directions. For personal foresights and elections mail@dinastro.com

Book for 2019 August Dinastro Keys course for expert personal prediction.

Daily time frames for planning actions of favourable outcome refer to daily hour elections.


23rd June 2019

2019 JUNE WEEK 24-30th

24th Fruition of agreement of 10th; favourable for education, trip, exercise, work compositions; recruit employees, purchase mechanical equipment. 25th start of Third Quarter Moon of re-orientation of direction from news of 17th, unfavourable for association with authority; 25-26th favourable for investments, shared finances, banks; favourable for contracts, agreements. 27th favourable for trips and termination of associations; favourable for association with ambassadors, buy, sell, travel. 28th favourable for work routines, feedback, employee workshops/meetings, confer with authiorty, repair material things, prepare groundwork; unfavourable for agreements. 29th social events, creative outings, artistic pursuits, drinks, medicine, food preparation, purchasing of machinery. 30th social events, artistic pursuits, educational inspiration, luxury purchases; favourable for studies, accounts, education, paperwork, documents. Hidden agendas: 30th June to 2nd July: avoid commitments.

refrain from action: hours for action in the days of the week of the 24-30th June(South African Time): Monday 24th: am 8-9, 3-4pm, 9-10pm; Tuesday 25th: 12-1am, 2-3am, 8-9am; 3-4pm, 7-8pm, 10-11pm; Wednesday 5-6am; 1-2pm; 8-9pm; Thursday 27th 12-1pm, 7-8pm; Friday 28th 11am-12pm, 6-7pm; Saturday 29th 10-11am, 4-5pm; Saturday 29th 9-10am, 3-4pm, 10-11pm.

Favourable hours for action in the days of the week of 24-30th June (SA Time): Monday 24th: 7-8am, 10-11am, 2-3pm; 5-6pm; Tuesday 25th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm, Wednesday 3-4am, 7-9am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm; Thursday 27th 7-9am, 2-4pm, 9-11pm; Friday 28th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 10-11pm; Saturday 29th 7-8am, 3-4pm, 10-11pm; Sunday 30th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm.

Foresights are global energy for June 2019. For personal elective foresights request mail@dinastro.com

To see things in seed, that is genius – Lao Tzu


23rd June 2019

Week 24-30th June 2019

24th Fruition of agreement of 10th; favourable for education, trip, exercise, work compositions; recruit employees, purchase mechanical equipment. 25th start of Third Quarter Moon of re-orientation of direction from news of 17th, unfavourable for association with authority; 25-26th favourable for investments, shared finances, banks; favourable for contracts, agreements. 27th favourable for trips and termination of associations; favourable for association with ambassadors, buy, sell, travel. 28th favourable for work routines, feedback, employee workshops/meetings, confer with authiorty, repair material things, prepare groundwork; unfavourable for agreements. 29th social events, creative outings, artistic pursuits, drinks, medicine, food preparation, purchasing of machinery. 30th social events, artistic pursuits, educational inspiration, luxury purchases; favourable for studies, accounts, education, paperwork, documents. Hidden agendas: 30th June to 2nd July: avoid commitments.

refrain from action: hours for action in the days of the week of the 24-30th June(South African Time): Monday 24th: am 8-9, 3-4pm, 9-10pm; Tuesday 25th: 12-1am, 2-3am, 8-9am; 3-4pm, 7-8pm, 10-11pm; Wednesday 5-6am; 1-2pm; 8-9pm; Thursday 27th 12-1pm, 7-8pm; Friday 28th 11am-12pm, 6-7pm; Saturday 29th 10-11am, 4-5pm; Saturday 29th 9-10am, 3-4pm, 10-11pm.

Favourable hours for action in the days of the week of 24-30th June (SA Time): Monday 24th: 7-8am, 10-11am, 2-3pm; 5-6pm; Tuesday 25th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm, Wednesday 3-4am, 7-9am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm; Thursday 27th 7-9am, 2-4pm, 9-11pm; Friday 28th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 10-11pm; Saturday 29th 7-8am, 3-4pm, 10-11pm; Sunday 30th 7-8am, 2-3pm, 9-10pm.

Foresights are global energy for June 2019. For personal elective foresights request mail@dinastro.com

To see things in the seed, that is genius – Lao Tzu

June 2019 week 17-23rd

16th June 2019

Week 17-23rd June 2019

17th Full Moon, fortunate for meetings, agreements. Intentions are revealed. 18th hindrances, delays, material loss, unfortunate for trips, appeal not to authority figures, a day of disadvantage. 19th focus on matters of wealth, disruptions in communications, disruptions in association with accountants, attorneys, merchants, disruptions in technology, trips and studies. 20th good for trips. 21st good to hire staff, sing and socialise. 22nd favourable for requests to those of authority, socialise and present gifts.

Disruptive hours in days 17-23rd June 2019 (South African time): Monday 17th 7:50-8:50am, 11:50-12:50pm, 2:50-3:50pm, 6:50-7:50pm, 9:50-10:50; 1:50-2:50am; Tuesday 18th: 6:50-7:50am, 10:50-11:50am, 1:50-2:50pm, 5:50-6:50pm, 8:50-9:50pm, 1:50-2:50am, 3:50-4:50am; Wednesday 19th 9:50-10:50am, 12:50-13:50pm, 4:50-5:50pm, 7:50-8:50pm, 11:50-12:50am; Thursday 20th 8:50-9:50am, 11:50-12:50pm, 3:50-4:50pm, 7:50-8:50pm, 12:50-1:50am; Friday 21st 7:50-8:50am, 10:50-11:50am, 2:50-3:50pm, 5:50-6:50pm, 9:50-10:50pm; Saturday 22nd 6:50-7:50am, 9:50-10:50am, 1:50-2:50pm, 4:50-5:50am, 8:50-9:50am; Sunday 23rd 8:50-9:50am, 12:50-1:50pm, 3:50-4:50pm, 7:50-8:50pm…

Favourable hours in days 17-23rd June 2019 (South African time): Monday 17th 9:50-11:50am, 4:50-6:50pm, Tuesday 18th: 8:50-10:50am, 3:50-5:50pm, 10:50-12:50am, Wednesday 19th: 7:50-9:50am, 2:50-4:50pm, 9:50-11:50pm,
Thursday 20th 6:50-8:50am, 1:50-3:50pm, 8:50-10:50pm, Friday 21st 6:50-7:50am, 12:50-2:50pm, 7:50-9:50pm, 5:50-6:50pm, 9:50-10:50pm; Saturday 22nd 11:50-1:50pm, 6:50-8:50pm; Sunday 23rd 10:50-12:50pm, 5:50-7:50pm

Weekly Foresights

10th June 2019

JUNE 2019 Week 10-16th

Foresights June 10-16th

increase in work busyness; good for maintenance and repair, fruitful counsel, commitments of 10th see outcome September;  11th fortunate association with women; 12-13th material loss, avoid commitments, unfavourable for association with authority;   14th disruption, good for purchases, education, act, unfavourable for women; 15th favourable for women of authority; 16th fortunate family and social affairs;  16-17th  work busyness, finances, accounts, trips; Full Moon 17th intentions revealed, fruition of plans of April.   

Week of 26th May 2019

26th May 2019

Third quarter Moon. A time of assessing and re-orienting direction of April. Eventful 30th May: outcomes of direction from week of 13th May. 31st May-3rd June dark of Moon, a time of secrecy as the Moon ruler of light, ruler of our daily routine affairs is in her dark Moon phase. News heard indicate hidden intentions: avoid commitments until after the 4th June when the light returns to reveal the hidden things.

27th highlighted are matters of wealth. Fortunate to send ambassadors, managers, advisors as representatives and to negotiate; fortunate to buy and sell, fortunate for journeying. Good of study, accounting, schooling.

28th fortunate to implement directives as advice received here is beneficial, from aspected Jupiter, Ruler of judgement

29th marred day of disruptions, contentions. New acquaintances lead to discord.

30th meetings with authority figures lead to constraints, trips are delayed

A time and a place for everything …..

2019 JUNE

12th December 2018

2019 JUNE

June 2019 highlights work outcomes from projects of April 2019. Projects of May–June yield results in July 2019. June focus of activity in business status, client association and credit. Busyness with deadlines. Financial gain and expenditure of investments and work busyness. Finances linked to foreign associations. Work daily affairs linked to payments from contractual agreements and investments. Movement and gain in contractual affairs regarding property. Loss of wealth through investments. Dissent of employees adversely affect daily routine affairs, sees outcome July. Breaking off of routines in higher education.

NEW MOON from 4th June: new beginnings, sowing the seed, designing, setting up the groundwork, timing deadline lists. FULL MOON 17th June a time of fruition, materialisation of plans from the week of 4th.

June features delays of moving into new direction from April. Resolution can be expected September 2019. JUNE KEY DATES: 5th material gain, disruption, movement, trips, payments; 14th faulty purchases, plans will not work out as planned, news are misleading; 16th successful outcomes. 19th financial loss, obstructions.

Foresights are general applying globally. Relevant individual foresights are revealed in the personal road-map.

JUNE WEEK 1st-9th 3rd hidden ill intentions; 4th busyness of communications, emails, plans, technology, accounts, organising trips, forunate for trips and legal affairs; 5th unfortunate for mechanical affairs, disruptions in associations with men, not a good time to do or buy new things; 6th material gain; 7th cutting ties, movement, trip; 8th social events, fortunate association with women.

To see things in the seed, that is genius  – Lao Tzu